Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: energy is the most important direction of the Turkmen-Kyrgyz cooperation

22:55 01.07.2021 4614

The most important direction of the Turkmen-Kyrgyz cooperation is energy, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, speaking about the key areas of bilateral partnership at talks with President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov on Monday.

- We are talking, in particular, about the supply of Turkmen natural gas and electricity to Kyrgyzstan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, expressing readiness to discuss in detail the technical, organizational and other parameters of supplies.

At the same time, the Turkmen leader noted that, if necessary, in coordination with the transit country, it would be advisable to organize a trilateral expert meeting.

Among other priorities of cooperation, the transport sector was named.

"I believe that the efforts of our countries can and should be aimed at achieving the main goal – the creation of a powerful and modern infrastructure that would ensure the unification of the transport systems of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East," the Turkmen leader stressed.

The President also noted that Turkmenistan is ready to work together on a transport corridor designed to connect both countries with access to the Caspian Sea.

The Head of the Turkmen state recalled that at the First Caspian Economic Forum, held in August 2019 in the city of Turkmenbashi, the decisive role of the Caspian region and adjacent zones, primarily Central Asia, in the formation of a strategic belt of transport and transit partnership along the East-West line was noted.

"I believe that the states of our region that do not have direct access to the World Ocean should make the most of the opportunities of the port infrastructure of the eastern Caspian Sea to export their products to the markets of Europe, Russia, Transcaucasia, the Near and Middle East," Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued.

In this regard, he noted that Turkmenistan is ready to discuss the use of the capacities of the new International seaport of Turkmenbashi in the interests of Kyrgyzstan on favorable terms.

The Joint Statement signed by the leaders of Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan following the talks in Ashgabat states that " the parties agreed to strengthen cooperation between the countries in the fuel and energy sector and instructed the relevant structures to work out the issue of natural gas, electricity, and liquefied gas supplies from Turkmenistan to the Kyrgyz Republic."

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