Vladimir Putin congratulated Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on his birthday

22:54 01.07.2021 4509


Today, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin warmly congratulated President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on his birthday during a telephone conversation, INTERFAX reports with reference to the Kremlin's press service.

"Topical issues of the bilateral agenda were discussed, with an emphasis on trade and economic cooperation and cooperation in the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection," the message reads.

It is noted that the heads of state "confirmed their mutual commitment to the further comprehensive development of the Russian-Turkmenistan strategic partnership."

Earlier, Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

"Under your leadership, Turkmenistan is confidently moving along the path of socio-economic development, plays an important constructive role in regional and international affairs," the Russian leader's telegram says.

"We highly appreciate your efforts aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership between our states. I am confident that through joint efforts we will continue to build up mutually beneficial Russian-Turkmen relations in all areas. This undoubtedly meets the fundamental interests of our friendly peoples, goes in line with ensuring stability and security in Central Asia and the Caspian region," Vladimir Putin stressed.

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