British company Petro Gas LLP will build the third berth of the day TCOR

14:15 25.07.2021 5808

 The Turkmenbashi complex of oil refineries will sign a contract with Petro Gas LLP (UK) for the design and construction of a third berth at the Kenar enterprise for the storage and shipment of petroleum products. The corresponding decree approving the deal was signed by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

 The document states that this facility must be put into operation within 30 months.

 The draft of this resolution was presented to the head of the state at the government meeting held last week.

 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that priority should be given to increasing the volume of crude oil shipments to the TCOR.  The head of the state also focused on expanding the geography of sales markets for Turkmen oil products, as well as ensuring its supplies to domestic and foreign buyers in accordance with the established deadlines.

 The President instructed Vice-Chairman Shakhym Abdrakhmanov to monitor compliance with all environmental requirements during the construction of a new berth.

 The British company already has a successful track record in Turkmenistan.  Earlier, Petro Gas LLP carried out the construction of the Malay gas compressor station with a capacity of 30 billion cubic meters of gas per year.  And in 2017, the TCOR commissioned water treatment facilities built by this company.

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