Serdar Berdimuhamedov in Tokyo discussed prospects of interstate partnership with members of the Japanese government

02:16 27.07.2021 5563

 Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who headed the Turkmen delegation at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games, discussed in Tokyo the prospects for the development of Turkmen-Japanese cooperation in priority areas with the leadership of the Japanese government and business representatives.

 During the visit, a meeting was held between the Chairmen of the Turkmen-Japanese and Japanese-Turkmen Committees for Economic Cooperation – Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Berdimuhamedov and Managing Director of Itochu Corporation Hiroyuki Tsubai.  The meeting was attended by heads and representatives of Mitsubishi Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, Sojitz Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Komatsu Ltd and Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

 The meeting participants mentioned the emerging prospects in the field of creating science-intensive industries based on advanced technologies and focused on the production of high-quality competitive products.

 The strategic nature of the Turkmen-Japanese partnership is evidenced by a number of joint projects successfully implemented in recent years.  Among them – the construction of plants for the production of ammonia and urea in Mary, urea fertilizers in Garabogaz, a polymer gas chemical complex in the village of Kiyanly, the world's first plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas in the Akhal region.  A modern gas turbine power plant in Lebap region is also being prepared for opening.

 During the meeting, the Japanese side expressed its readiness to take part in the construction of the second stage of a plant for the production of environmentally friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas in the Akhal region.

 The oil and gas sector, electricity, transport and communications, water management, textile and chemical industries, sports, tourism, agro-industrial complex and others are designated as strategic vectors of partnership.

 Particular attention was paid to discussing the possibilities of creating a modern industrial and technological infrastructure in Turkmenistan with the participation of Japanese companies, which can later be used by both countries in the development of economic ties with the regions of the Middle and Near East, the basins of the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean Seas.

 As a result of the negotiations, there were signed three documents aimed at expanding partnerships in the transport sector, introducing innovative methods and water-saving technologies into the water management system, as well as supplying equipment for road and rail transport.

 At the meeting of S. Berdimuhamedov with the State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Kiyoshi Ejima, the Japanese side presented new proposals on deepening cooperation in oil and gas chemistry, transport and communication sector and logistics, agriculture.

 The parties analyzed the issues of interstate cooperation in accordance with the agreements reflected in the Roadmap for Cooperation in the Field of Infrastructure.  The subject of discussion was also the course of implementation of joint projects in the field of transport, the possibility of developing cooperation in the field of energy and industry.

 The Turkmen side expressed interest in mastering Japan's experience in the use of renewable energy sources, placing special emphasis on the prospects for partnership in green energy.

 At the meeting of S. Berdimuhamedov with the Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihide Suga, the main ways of carrying out the work that were started in the gas, chemical, transport and agricultural industries were determined.  The need to improve the legal framework of bilateral cooperation was also emphasized.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited the Prime Minister and the Japanese delegation to visit Turkmenistan to participate in the opening ceremony of the 432 MW gas turbine power plant being built by the Sumitomo Corporation.  The invitation was accepted with gratitude.

 Serdar Berdimuhamedov was also received by the Emperor of Japan Naruhito, with whom the development of bilateral Turkmen-Japanese partnership was discussed.

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