The presidents of the Central Asian countries agreed to intensify partnerships in the field of energy, transport and other spheres

23:32 06.08.2021 4516

 Special attention was paid to the creation of favorable conditions for partnership in the energy and transport spheres at the Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia, held on August 6 in the Avaza National Tourist Zone. The website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reports.

 - Based on UN documents, we are moving towards the formation in Central Asia of favorable political, legal and economic conditions for a safe, sustainable energy partnership, focused both on meeting regional demand for energy resources, and on access to world markets through international transit corridors,  - President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his speech.

 The heads of the Central Asian countries also exchanged views on the development of trade relations, increasing the volume of export-import operations.  Agreements were reached to increase the diversification of mutual trade and industrial cooperation.

 One of the important components of the meeting's agenda was the consolidation of the efforts of the countries of the region to combat the pandemic.  The presidents agreed to facilitate the organization and encourage joint research in the study of the nature of the origin of new types of infections, as well as the introduction of new methods of treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.

 A constructive exchange of views took place on issues of regional stability.  The presidents also agreed to strengthen foreign policy cooperation, including by holding regular five-sided meetings between the foreign ministries of the region's countries.

 Following the meeting, a Joint Statement of the Heads of State of Central Asia was adopted.

 Then a solemn ceremony of awarding the Badge of Honor to the Heads of State of Central Asia took place.  In accordance with the decision taken by the Presidents of the Central Asian countries at the current meeting, the Badge of Honor was awarded to President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon for outstanding services in the development of friendship, good-neighborliness, mutual understanding and cooperation between the states of Central Asia, strengthening peace and security in the region, promoting common interests and  initiatives of the countries of the region in the international community.

 The Badge of Honor was presented by the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

 On the same day, the Presidents visited the International Exhibition of National Products of the Countries of Central Asia and the International Festival of National Dishes of the Countries of Central Asia.

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