Installation of equipment in the energy service center of Turkmenistan started

03:47 22.08.2021 4950


 The specialists of the contracting organization – the Çalık Enerji company – have started equipping the Center for the repair and maintenance of power equipment, «Turkmenistan: Golden Age» website reports.  The center is being built by order of the State Corporation «Turkmenenergo».

 The contractor is to complete the creation of the largest modern base in Central Asia for the «Turkmenenergoabatlayish» enterprise by mid-2022.

 For the first time in our country, domestic service will be organized for powerful gas turbines, which power plants are equipped with.

 So far, service maintenance of gas turbines of various capacities in the country is provided by General Electric.

 Soon, the equipment will be restored in accordance with the performance and operational readiness parameters at a specialized Center in Bezmein.  It also organizes the restoration of worn-out parts of gas turbines.  To this end, the contractor has already constructed all the necessary buildings on the territory allocated for the object next to the Bezmein State Power Plant and is completing the finishing work on them.

 Under the terms of the contract, the contractor will supply 16 sets of spare parts for gas turbines, which will make it possible to create an exchange fund.

 According to experts, due to the organization of timely service maintenance, the cost of repairing gas turbines will decrease.  New jobs will also appear.

Alongside the construction of the Center, training and education of qualified personnel is underway.

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