The new project at the Galkynysh field is an important step in strengthening the Turkmen-Chinese cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, - PRC Ambassador

22:55 24.08.2021 4946

 The start of construction of three new wells at the Galkynysh field represents a new step in strengthening interstate Turkmen-Chinese energy cooperation.  The Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Turkmenistan Qian Naicheng said this at the ceremony of launching a new project in Mary region.

 As the diplomat noted, «the recent telephone conversation between the Chairman of the PRC and the President of Turkmenistan gave new dynamics to the further development of interstate relations.  At present, the parties are carrying out comprehensive work to implement the agreements reached at the highest level, taking measures on the basis of the document on the coordination of the One Belt – One Road initiative and the strategy for the Revival of the Great Silk Road.  We are also jointly preparing a cooperation program for the next five years».

 “All this will give a new impetus to the strategic Turkmen-Chinese partnership, bring it to a new level, and contribute to the prosperity of both countries,” the Ambassador emphasized.

 Having noted that Turkmenistan possessed a colossal energy potential, the diplomat added that an example of constructive cooperation was bilateral interaction in the fuel and energy sector. Ambassador stated that through gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to the PRC, China imported more than 300 billion cubic meters of «blue fuel» and retained the leadership as its importer from Turkmenistan.

 “The Chinese side is ready to further develop productive interaction with the Turkmen side, covering such areas as investment, trade and other areas, as well as a comprehensive partnership in the fuel and energy complex, which meets mutual interests,” the diplomat said.

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