Ministry of Labor recommends introducing flexible working hours to prevent the spread of viruses

20:19 02.09.2021 5162

 In connection with the current epidemiological situation in the world, in order to prevent seasonal viral infections, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan recommended to all organizations of the country, regardless of their form of ownership, temporarily to switch to a flexible working hours of employees.

 The document on the recommended working hours was sent on Tuesday to all ministries and sectoral departments, mayors' offices of Ashgabat and the regions of Turkmenistan, public organizations, as well as to the addresses of legal entities operating in the country, ORIENT reports.

 The innovations were initiated by decisions taken at the meeting of the Extraordinary Commission of Turkmenistan to Combat the Spread of Diseases on August 29, and are aimed at increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures previously taken in the country, the document says.

 To reduce the level of congestion in organizations, the number of employees of which is below 100 people, the Commission ordered to organize the work of one half of the employees from 8 am to 5 pm, and the other half from 9 am to 6 pm.

 In organizations with more than 100 employees, 30% of employees are prescribed to be at the workplace from 8 am to 5 pm, 40% of employees from 9 am to 6 pm, 30% of employees from 10 am to 7 pm.

 The new work schedule can be changed at the discretion of the employer, depending on the specifics of the organization of work at the enterprise, and the above approximate flexible working day schedule is relevant only for employees with a 40-hour working week and an 8-hour working day.

 Before making changes to the work schedule, the management of the organizations must take into account the opinion of the enterprise staff and agree on the final decision with the trade union organization.

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