New GTPP in Lebap will increase the export of electricity

00:46 07.09.2021 12332

 A new gas turbine power plant (GTPP) with a capacity of 432 MW was commissioned in the Lebap region of Turkmenistan.  Its work will increase the volume of electricity supplies to the countries of Central Asia, including Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

 The new facility became part of the Lebap State Power Plant.  The project was implemented by the State Corporation «Turkmenenergo» of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan in cooperation with Sumitomo Corporation and Mitsubishi Power Ltd (Japan) and Rönesans Holding (Turkey).  The project was financed by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation through a loan agreement with Vnesheconombank of Turkmenistan.

 For the first time in Turkmenistan, the new power plant was equipped with gas turbine units of the Japanese company Mitsubishi Power Ltd.  There are three 144 MW gas turbine generators installed here.  Together with them, the total capacity of the Lebap state power plant reached 581.2 MW.

 Prior to that, all gas power plants in Turkmenistan were equipped with turbine units of the American company General Electric.

 The new facility was awarded the Certificate of the Sumitomo Corporation, certifying that for the first time in Central Asia, M701DA gas turbines manufactured by Mitsubishi Power Ltd were installed at this hydroelectric power station, as well as the Certificate of Innovative Technologies of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the Certificate for Sustainability and  efficiency «Energy Institute» Max Plank «(Germany).

 A Japanese delegation headed by the State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Ejima Kiyoshi arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the opening of the hydroelectric power station.

 During the ceremony, Kiyoshi announced the desire of Japanese companies to continue to participate in important industrial projects of Turkmenistan, recalling also the agreements reached during the visit of Deputy Prime Minister Serdar Berdimuhamedov to Japan in July 2021.  Then it was about agreements for the supply of Komatsu equipment and Toyota vehicles to Turkmenistan.

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