New project for the development of gas fields has been launched on the Bagtyyarlyk contractual territory

00:41 09.09.2021 5897

 Construction of onshore facilities for gas fields in the western block of the Bagtyyarlyk contract area has begun. It is being developed by the «Amu Darya» gas company of the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) in accordance with the Production Sharing Agreement, China Petroleum News, China Power News and other PRC media report.

 General Director of the CNPC branch in Turkmenistan Chen Huailong took part in the groundbreaking ceremony for the first facility.  Liu Haijun, General Director of China Petroleum Engineering and Construction (CPECC), attended the audience from Beijing online.

 The contract for the provision of turnkey design and construction services for onshore gas field facilities in the western section of the Bagtyyarlyk contract area was signed with CPECC in June this year.  Within the framework of the project, the implementation period of which is 24 months, six fields will be put into operation – Gadyn, North Gadyn, Ildzhik, East Ildzhik, Kishtuvan and West Kishtuvan.

 In the course of the project, it is planned to build 22 wells, four gas gathering stations, pipelines, engineering and technical support networks, including power supply and water supply, and other industrial infrastructure facilities.  Their total design capacity will be 1.815 billion cubic meters of gas per year.

 The implementation of this project will help maintain long-term stable production of natural gas in the Bagtyyarlyk contract area and, accordingly, ensure reliable supplies of environmentally friendly fuel to the Turkmenistan-China interstate gas pipeline.

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