President of Turkmenistan: the exhibition «EXPO-2020» will strengthen the constructive dialogue between the states of the planet

17:29 01.10.2021 12989

 The international exhibition EXPO 2020, which was previously postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, opened in Dubai on October 1.  More than 190 countries will demonstrate their achievements and innovations in the field of technology, science and art in 182 days of the exhibition.  Turkmenistan is also widely represented at this largest international exhibition.

 President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his address to the participants of the World Exhibition noted that EXPO-2020 will be held under the motto “Uniting Minds, Creating the Future”, which carries a deep ideological message, as it is an appeal to the members of the world community to consolidate efforts  in generating solutions to urgent problems, expanding the range of cooperation and restoring the world economy in the post-pandemic period.

 The head of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that the «EXPO-2020» World Exhibition will become a platform for putting forward specific proposals that will arouse great interest and, contributing to the coordination of actions in the near future, will significantly strengthen the constructive dialogue between the states of the planet, as well as global cooperation!

 As Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, “Our national pavilion, which is starting to work at EXPO 2020 under the motto“ Turkmenistan – the Homeland of Peace and Trust ”, has a significant role to play in highlighting the historical path of development of the Fatherland and the standard of living of our people, as well as in raising the image  the progressiveness and reliability of the Turkmen state, which has colossal industrial and intellectual potential”.

“Our Motherland has achieved great success in the socio-economic sphere, in the rational use of its richest natural resources, building up internal potential in harmony with the foreign policy strategy, the President of Turkmenistan emphasized, adding that we will continue to pave new routes and launch new projects in the name of further  development of our country, we will continue to implement reforms aimed at comprehensively ensuring a high standard of living for the people of Turkmenistan”.

 The Turkmen leader also noted that today at the EXPO-2020 World Exhibition, organized during the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of Turkmenistan, our national pavilion opens its doors to present to the general public the achievements of the sovereign Motherland in social and economic development, prosperous and happy  the life of a people committed to the principles of good nature and peacefulness, and our long-term plans for the future.

– Independent neutral Turkmenistan, focused on full-scale integration into the system of world economic relations, successfully demonstrates its potential at the EXPO exhibition grounds, held under the auspices of the International Exhibitions Bureau, –  Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his address.

 The President of Turkmenistan mentioned that the modernization of the national economy, diversification of industry, the implementation of socio-economic reforms and the progressive increase in the standard of living of the Turkmen people are the priorities of the state policy of our country, which occupies a worthy position in the rating of intensively developing states.

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