President of Turkmenistan will pay an official visit to Uzbekistan on October 4-5

00:06 11.10.2021 3752

 The President of Turkmenistan will pay an official visit to Uzbekistan on October 4-5.  Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov reported on the preparation of the program of the visit at a government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired by video link last Friday.

 As R. Meredov noted, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan established diplomatic relations in February 1993.  Neighboring states are actively cooperating in the political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.  To date, the legal framework of the bilateral partnership is 221 documents.  In the period 2007-2021, 23 mutual state, official and working visits at the highest level took place.

The head of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan also stressed that the productive nature is inherent in the Turkmen-Uzbek economic relations, where there is a positive dynamics of growth in the volume of bilateral foreign trade turnover.  Here, a significant role is assigned to the activities of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission, which has held 16 meetings to date.

 R. Meredov also noted that Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are fruitfully cooperating in the cultural and humanitarian sphere.  In this direction, various events are regularly organized, including mutual Days of Culture.  Days of Turkmen cinema are being held in Uzbekistan these days.

 In accordance with the agreements reached at the highest level, contacts between the regions of the two states are intensifying.

 According to R. Meredov, within the framework of the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Uzbekistan, a number of important events are planned, including the Turkmen-Uzbek economic forum.

 Having listened to the report, the head of state noted the presence of a diverse potential for building up mutually beneficial partnership, which is filled with new content every year.  In this context, there are also good prospects for strengthening ties at the regional level of both countries.  The working visits of the delegations of the Dashoguz and Lebap velayats to the Khorezm and Bukhara regions of Uzbekistan, which took place in September, are also called to contribute to this.

 Stating the mutual focus of the parties on the further development of interstate relations across their entire spectrum, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to ensure a high organizational level of preparation for the official visit to Uzbekistan and the events planned within its framework.

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