Events on the occasion of Memorial Day were held in Turkmenistan

22:24 07.10.2021 3620

 The day before, Ashgabat hosted events in honor of the mournful date – the Day of the nationwide remembrance of the victims of the Ashgabat earthquake of 1948, as well as the heroes who died on the battlefields of all wars.

 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, members of the government, parliament, representatives of the public took part in the mourning ceremony of laying wreaths at the monuments of the «Halk hakydasy» memorial complex.

 In the Memorial Complex, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov examined the wall bas-reliefs of famous personalities who left their mark on the history of Turkmenistan with their services to the people and the country.  Focusing on the role of the Memorial Complex in educating youth in the spirit of patriotism, the head of state emphasized the need to organize excursions for schoolchildren and students, to form in them a sense of pride and respect for the great history of the courageous Turkmen people, the desire to study the heroic past of the nation.

 Noting that these values ​​have a special role in conveying to future generations the exemplary life path of ancestors who left an unfading mark in history with their heroism and patriotism, the President stressed that it is necessary to regularly hold events for their solid foundation in the minds and hearts of young people, giving instructions to the relevant leaders  on this score.

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