Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: trade and economic cooperation between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan becomes strategic

22:23 07.10.2021 12158

 The official visit of President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Uzbekistan on October 4-5 ended with the signing of a substantial package of documents.  During fruitful negotiations in a narrow and expanded format, the heads of the neighboring states considered topical issues of bilateral cooperation and discussed the prospects for their expansion.

 Having noted the active dynamics of the development of the Turkmen-Uzbek interaction, the Presidents expressed confidence that the results of the negotiations would open the way to new areas of cooperation and determine the «points of growth» of partnership in the long term.

 The signed package of documents determines bilateral cooperation in the political, trade, economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

 In general, the Turkmen-Uzbek trade and economic cooperation was acquiring a strategic character, and Turkmenistan would systematically work on its effective promotion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 During the talks, sufficient potential of our countries in terms of increasing the volume of mutual trade, investments, implementing joint projects in such areas as industry, transport, energy, agriculture, was emphasized.

 It was noted that economic forums, conferences, business meetings, exhibitions and fairs were an effective platform for representatives of the business circles of the two countries to establish direct contacts.

 President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that, in general, cooperation has been developing consistently, with a tendency towards qualitative growth.  So, for 7 months of 2021, bilateral trade amounted to 230 million US dollars, 194 import contracts were registered in such areas as light industry, mechanical engineering, petrochemicals, agriculture and construction materials.

 The Turkmen leader also mentioned that during the preparation for the current visit, the government of Turkmenistan has developed specific proposals for concluding contracts with Uzbek enterprises for the purchase of their products for a total of more than $ 307 million, which will be a significant contribution to increasing bilateral trade.

 Agreements were reached to expand mutually beneficial cooperation and specific projects in the field of energy, agriculture, industry, chemistry, transport, logistics, and the creation of manufacturing enterprises for the production of competitive export-oriented products.

 Having commented on the results of the summit meeting to the media representatives, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that the parties had agreed to continue coordinating efforts in the field of energy security, development of international transport and transit communications, climate change and environmental protection.

«In the field of sustainable energy, we are talking, first of all, about the participation of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the implementation of large-scale energy projects in the region.  These include, first of all, the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China gas pipeline project.  In addition, our country is ready to intensify cooperation with Uzbekistan within the framework of plans to increase the supply of electricity from Central to South Asia.

 In the transport sector, joint work will continue to create a modern infrastructure that will ensure the unification of the transport systems of Central Asia, Europe and the Middle East.  Turkmenistan is ready to provide the infrastructure of the International Seaport of Turkmenbashi for the full launch of a multimodal transport corridor along the route Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Caspian Sea – further through the Black Sea ports with access to Europe», the Turkmen leader noted.

 As Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized, there are a number of specific areas and industries where both countries have great potential for effective partnership.  This is the agro-industrial sector, energy, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, textile, processing, and mining industries.  There are many opportunities for a significant increase in bilateral trade.

 Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev adopted a Joint Statement, which reflects the main results of the summit meeting, and identified promising areas for further strengthening the Turkmen-Uzbek strategic cooperation.

 The leader of Turkmenistan invited the head of Uzbekistan to visit our country at a convenient time for him.  The invitation was accepted with gratitude.  The dates of the visit will be agreed through diplomatic channels.

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