Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the opening of the National Day at the world exhibition «EXPO-2020»

21:52 11.10.2021 11936

 On October 9, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a working visit to the United Arab Emirates to participate in the opening ceremony of the National Day of Turkmenistan at the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition, which is taking place in Dubai, the website of the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan reported.

 UAE officials warmly welcomed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the airport in Dubai.

 Within the framework of the working visit, the Turkmen leader held a number of high-level bilateral meetings.  The President of Turkmenistan met with the Minister of Energy of the United Arab Emirates Suheil Mohammed Al Mazrui at the international airport.

 Emphasizing the high level of Turkmen-Emirati relations, the parties noted the effectiveness of the two countries in the field of energy, gas chemistry and other promising areas of cooperation.  It was especially noted that the bilateral and multilateral partnership of Turkmenistan and the UAE in these sectors is developing successfully.

 Then the motorcade of the President of Turkmenistan went to the exhibition pavilion «Expo-2020».  The opening ceremony of the National Day of Turkmenistan took place on the central square of the expocentre, the sounds of the anthems of the two countries.

 The President of Turkmenistan, together with high-ranking officials of the UAE, examined the Turkmen pavilion, where achievements in all key areas of the economy of our country are exhibited.

 The National Pavilion of Turkmenistan, located in the «Mobility» zone, is one of the distinctive pavilions of Expo 2020 in Dubai, it operates under the motto «Along with the Akhal-Teke horses».

 During the acquaintance with the national pavilion, the participants were shown a video demonstrating the large-scale achievements of Turkmenistan in the spheres of economy, health care, sports, and culture.  The head of state acquainted the participants of the show with the advanced directions of the country's development, as well as the high indicators achieved by Turkmenistan during the years of independence.

 The leader of the nation also visited the pavilion of the United Arab Emirates, which shows the advanced development trends of this state.

 At the end of the show, the head of state went to the Reception Center of the EXPO 2020 World Exhibition.  Here, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held talks with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Presidential Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.  During the conversation, the sides especially noted the constructive nature of friendly relations between the two countries, which are being systematically brought to a new, higher level.

 The parties also discussed bilateral relations in various areas of partnership, in particular, in the field of economy, investment and development in the interests of the two friendly countries and peoples.

 Following the talks, a solid package of bilateral documents was signed, covering a wide range of issues of multifaceted partnership between Turkmenistan and the UAE.

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