Industrial practice of students takes place at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex

16:01 26.08.2020 6568

The Mary oil and gas secondary vocational school of the SC "Turkmengas" expands the tasks of training personnel for the fuel and energy complex and other sectors of the national economy of our country. During the period of its work, the institution has trained a significant number of professionals in various fields and is currently reaching a qualitatively new level of training.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, a new school building was commissioned. There are 16 rooms for practical training, equipped with modern equipment necessary for the training of highly qualified specialists.

All conditions are created here for productive classes and independent work of students. Multimedia auditoriums allow more and more transition in the educational process to computer learning technologies. All disciplines have a practical aspect.

Such areas as maintenance and repair of equipment for oil and gas fields, operation of oil and gas wells, development of gas and oil fields, maintenance and repair of equipment at chemical, oil and gas processing industries, etc. are in great demand. Practical classes are held in equipped classrooms, which provide an opportunity to conduct training in the most interesting way.

At the end of the academic year, students undergo industrial practice in the institutions and organizations of the SC "Turkmengas". Experienced teachers are involved in the management of student practice.

Currently, first-year students of the Faculty of Operation of Gas and Oil Pipelines and Gas and Oil Storages undergo practical training in the Central Service Department. During the internship, future specialists are closely acquainted with the work of lathes, the preparation of various parts for pipes, the manufacture of pipes for gas wells, etc. As part of practical training, students also study safety rules.

Second-year students of the Faculty of Maintenance and Repair of Equipment for Oil and Gas Fields undergo practical training at the production enterprises of the “Marygazchykarysh” management. They recently visited the “Galkynysh” deposit. Here, future specialists got acquainted with the latest technologies and installations, as well as with the principles of operation of gas cleaning facilities.

At present, the educational practice of students continues successfully.

As part of the development of innovative programs for the domestic fuel and energy complex, the need for technically competent workers is growing. Productive practical training will help improve the qualifications and professional level of Turkmen specialists.

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