The material and technical base of gas workers continues to be replenished with modern special equipment

08:57 04.10.2023 2236

 On the eve of the 32nd anniversary of the independence of Turkmenistan, the 2nd base of the Logistics and Technical Supply Department of the State Concern “Turkmengas” located in Mary received a batch of new equipment purchased from the People’s Republic of China.  Lifting drilling rigs for repairing gas wells were accepted by gas workers as a worthy gift from the head of state – the President on the occasion of the country’s major holiday.

 High-tech drilling rigs “Xji-750” manufactured by the Jereh company of the People’s Republic of China are designed for underground workover of gas wells.  The new equipment differs from that previously used for major repairs of gas wells in higher productivity.

 Another distinctive feature of the new installations is the ability to carry out high-quality work on underground capital repairs of wells at a depth of up to five thousand meters.  The lifting capacity of this fully automated equipment is one hundred and eighty tons.  The supply and lifting of pipes during routine well repairs using the installation is reliably carried out in a fairly short time, which contributes to a significant reduction in the duration of repair work.  Manufacturers provide all the necessary conditions for qualified operator control of drilling equipment.

 The new equipment was quickly distributed among the large production divisions of the concern – the Marygazchykarysh, Dovletabatgazchykarysh and Lebapgazchykarysh departments.

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