Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov urged CIS countries to build up economic cooperation

20:58 19.10.2021 3387

 The President of Turkmenistan took part in a meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the CIS, which took place on October 15 in the format of videoconferencing.

 In his speech, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, congratulating the participants on the 30th anniversary of the CIS, noted that “Turkmenistan is fully prepared to continue close cooperation within the framework of the Commonwealth, which today proves its viability, ability to responsibly deal with challenges and threats, and serves as an important instrument of interstate dialogue”.

 The Turkmen leader mentioned the importance of promoting the economic vectors and interests of the CIS beyond the geographical limits of the Commonwealth, integrating neighboring countries and neighboring regions into joint projects.  First of all, this concerns the creation of transport and transit infrastructure, the optimization and expansion of energy supplies, the laying of new communication lines and communications, the President of Turkmenistan noted.

 “In the coming years, the primary task, in our opinion, is to build up economic cooperation, use the aggregate industrial, resource and technical potential of the Commonwealth of Independent States,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 «The adopted strategy for the economic development of the CIS until 2030 clearly defines the directions of cooperation and today the task is to fill this document with real content and concrete deeds,» the President noted.

 Among the priorities of the strategy, the Turkmen leader singled out such areas as transport, fuel and energy complex, communications and communications, industrial cooperation, trade, innovation and technology.

 “These are the sectors in which we can successfully compete in international markets, offer potential partners favorable conditions,” Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 The Turkmen leader also recalled that at various international formats with the participation of the Commonwealth countries at previous CIS summits, Turkmenistan put forward a number of important initiatives to form logistics hubs in the region of Central Asia and the Caspian basin with access to the European vector of the Commonwealth.

 “They found understanding and support from all CIS states, and today it is necessary to give these plans a proper impulse and specificity,” the head of Turkmenistan said.

 In this regard, the President invited his colleagues from the CIS to take part in the International Conference of Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries, which is scheduled to be held in April 2022 in Turkmenistan.

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