The delegation of Turkmenistan will take part in the UN conference on climate change in Glasgow

16:11 21.10.2021 3019

High-ranking Turkmen delegation will take part in the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow.  Representatives of the government of Turkmenistan informed the participants of an online meeting on climate action held on Tuesday with the participation of UNDP and the British Embassy about the preparations for the visit.  This was reported in a UNDP press release in Turkmenistan.

 During the meeting, new information was exchanged on COP26, and the process of preparing a Nationally Determined Contribution, reflecting the country's efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, was discussed.  In accordance with the provisions of the Paris Agreement, each party prepares and submits to the UN Climate Secretariat its NDCs that it intends to achieve.

UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan Narine Sahakyan and Deputy Head of Mission of the British Embassy in Turkmenistan John Hamilton took part in the meeting.

 “All countries need to come together to achieve an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced outcome of the high-level talks at COP26 in Glasgow that will address all issues and leave no party behind,” said John Hamilton.

 He noted that the British Embassy in Turkmenistan is ready to actively cooperate with the Office of the UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP and national partners in providing support to Turkmenistan in the preparation for COP26.

 “We are also ready to work together with all like-minded people to further support the national efforts of the government of Turkmenistan to combat climate change in the coming years,” the diplomat said.

 COP26 starts in Glasgow, Scotland on October 31st and runs until November 12th.  It is expected to be attended by representatives from about 200 countries, including world leaders, experts and activists.

 The meeting of world leaders in Glasgow is scheduled for November 1-2.  During the summit, it is planned to adopt a number of documents on the issues of reducing greenhouse emissions and achieving carbon neutrality.

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