President of Turkmenistan considered the proposals of the SC «Turkmennebit» and the «Tatneft» to increase oil production in the country

22:07 28.10.2021 4007

 On Wednesday, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting with some vice-chairmen, heads of the oil and gas complex, to which the delegation of the TATNEFT company of the Republic of Tatarstan of the Russian Federation was invited, who arrived in our country to participate in the XXVI International Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan-2021”.

 During the meeting, issues of further development of the oil and gas industry, increasing oil production at the country's fields were discussed, and prospects for increasing cooperation with TATNEFT were identified.  Within the framework of the meeting, a presentation of a joint infrastructure project aimed at diversifying the domestic fuel and energy complex, strengthening the position of Turkmenistan in world energy markets took place.

 During the meeting, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the aspects of the long-term partnership of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» with the company «TATNEFT» and on the indicators of work performed, indicating the mutual benefit of the agreement.

 Further, the chairman of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» Guychgeldi Baygeldiev reported on practical steps to modernize the Goturdepe and Altyguyi fields in the Balkan region.

 As noted, due to the complex geological structure and numerous faults, the Goturdepe field is divided into four parts: Central, Western, Eastern and Northern.  The head of the concern gave a number of figures about the recoverable oil reserves at this field, as well as about the productive horizons.

 Having reported on the study of the rich experience of foreign companies in the workover of wells for the effective extraction of oil reserves, the head of the concern presented to the President a proposal prepared jointly with TATNEFT.  In particular, it was reported that within the framework of the current contract, it is envisaged to conclude an Additional Agreement for the repair and commissioning of at least 300 idle and planned wells.

 Based on the results of seismic exploration, a unified database was created, a three-dimensional model of the Goturdepe field was built and a total of 52 exploration wells were drilled.  In cooperation with TATNEFT, it is planned to carry out the corresponding work at the Altyguyi field.

 Then the General Director of TATNEFT, Nail Maganov, informed the head of Turkmenistan about the work carried out in accordance with the contracts concluded with the State Concern «Turkmennebit» at a number of fields in Western Turkmenistan.

 Stressing that the market of our country is one of the key ones for TATNEFT, Maganov announced the company's readiness to further expand mutually beneficial relations with Turkmen partners.  In this context, the businessman voiced a number of specific proposals aimed at implementing the state's energy strategy based on the principles of diversifying the oil and gas industry.

 In the presentation presented by the company, specific works were identified, the implementation of which in the future will double the volume of oil production in the fields of Turkmenistan.  The tables and diagrams show plans for the implementation of geological and technical measures at the Goturdepe field, the prospects for the development of service oilfield equipment to improve the efficiency of oil production and import substitution.  Information was also sounded about the operator's envisaged investments in the Goturdepe field and approximate indicators of the contribution to the GDP of Turkmenistan from its development were given.

 Speaking about the prospects for further interaction with TATNEFT, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that the work being done to provide services to increase the oil content of wells at the Goturdepe field should be aimed at obtaining positive results.

 In this regard, the President instructed specialized specialists to study the submitted proposals from a technical, economic and commercial point of view and their compliance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and the interests of the parties.

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