Teleconference between the participants of «OGT-2021» and «Expo Dubai 2020» was held

19:29 31.10.2021 3494

 Today, on the second day of the XXVI International Conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan -2021», a teleconference was held with the participants of the International Exhibition «Expo Dubai 2020».  Its participants discussed one of the most pressing topics of our time – the transition to a low-carbon future through the use of natural gas and alternative energy sources.

 The moderator of the teleconference was Muhammetmyrat Amanov, Executive Director of TAPI Pipeline Company Limited.

 From the UAE, Dragon Oil Chief Executive Officer Ali Rashid Al Jarwan and Turkmenistan's Ambassador to Dubai Sardarmammet Garajayev joined the discussion with Ashgabat.

 As part of the online session, video messages from the Trade Envoy of the British Prime Minister in Turkmenistan, Baroness Emma Nicholson, and the Chief Asset Manager of Dragon Oil Farid Al Hashmi, who presented an overview of the company's activities in Turkmenistan, were also deserved.

 The participants of the teleconference focused on important energy projects of Turkmenistan, which can make a significant contribution to reducing harmful emissions.  In this regard, it was emphasized that the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline can provide the developing economies of the countries participating in the project with cheap and environmentally friendly energy, and the initiatives of official Ashgabat in the field of hydrogen energy can accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future.

 It was also noted that the sharp decline in prices for wind turbines and solar panels, their technical improvement showed that these renewable energy sources can play an important role in global energy systems.

 Baroness Emma Nicholson, in her video message to the forum participants, presented the UK's vision on the further development of economic cooperation with Turkmenistan, in particular, in the field of clean energy.

 In her opinion, Turkmenistan has a huge potential for transition to a low-emission economy and achievement of low-carbon development, as well as all opportunities for the introduction of alternative energy sources, wind energy, solar energy.

 In this regard, Nicholson emphasized that green energy can become a promising area of ​​cooperation between the two countries.

 Also, during the teleconference, other important issues were considered, including trends and analysis of the global energy transition, the role of digitalization in this process, the prospects for using hydrogen as a fuel of the future, and the place of natural gas in the transition to clean energy.

 Thus, for the first time, a video conference organized between two major international forums contributed to the development of effective ideas in the field of environmental protection and climate change.

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