President of Turkmenistan heard a report on the preparation of gas industry enterprises for the heating season

14:46 31.10.2021 10469

During the government meeting, which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired on Thursday using the digital system, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on preparations for the winter season and ensuring uninterrupted and reliable supply of domestic consumers with natural gas.

As noted, for this purpose, the State Concern "Turkmengas" is implementing comprehensive measures.  Reconstruction and overhaul works were carried out at specialized infrastructure facilities, technical inspection was carried out.  Currently, the installation of gas meters in new farms and residential complexes continues throughout the country.

Appropriate steps are taken to ensure that natural gas consumers strictly comply with safety rules and regulations.

After hearing the report, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed the need to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to residential buildings and other social facilities, including schools, kindergartens, healthcare institutions, as well as enterprises and organizations, due to the onset of cold weather.

In this regard, the primary task is to maintain the appropriate engineering and technical systems in proper condition and their regular high-quality maintenance.

It is also necessary to pay unremitting attention to the issues of rational use of natural "blue fuel", the correct operation of gas and heating equipment by the population.

The head of the state instructed the Vice-Chairman to keep the work carried out in this direction under unremitting control.

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