At the Glasgow summit, world leaders agree to cut methane emissions by 30% by 2030

15:46 04.11.2021 3164

 At the COP26 environmental summit on Tuesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and US President Joe Biden presented a joint initiative to reduce methane emissions, Interfax reported.

 The global commitment aims to limit methane emissions by 30% by 2030.  More than 100 countries have joined the initiative, BBC News reports.

 The head of the European Commission called methane one of the types of greenhouse gases, emissions of which can be reduced to prevent global warming.  Ursula von der Leyen called methane «the fruit hanging from the bottom branch,» thus comparing it to an available target.

 The main focus for curbing global warming is to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from human activities, but individual methane molecules have a more powerful warming effect on the atmosphere than CO2 molecules.

 Earlier, more than 100 world leaders promised to end the process of deforestation by 2030.  This was the first major agreement at the Glasgow climate summit.  Among the countries that supported this decision are Brazil, Russia, Canada, Colombia, the United States, Great Britain and Indonesia.  It is noted that in general, these countries account for about 85% of the world's forest.

 The 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) started in Glasgow on October 31 and will run until November 12.  Representatives from nearly 200 countries are expected to attend.

 The COP26 conference brings together world leaders and prominent statesmen from many countries in a dialogue about the future of the planet, joint and national actions to reduce the rate of global warming.

 The Turkmen delegation at this summit is headed by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

 Turkmenistan stands for a consolidated approach to solving environmental problems, taking concrete steps on its part to protect the environment and striving to contribute to the development of international cooperation in such a vital direction for all mankind.

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