Turkmenistan plans to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the long term

15:48 04.11.2021 3752


 In the medium term, Turkmenistan plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions, and in the long term – to annually reduce their level.  This was stated by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, speaking at the 26th session of the conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) in Glasgow, the website of the foreign ministry of our country reports.

 - Turkmenistan, both at the expense of its own financial resources and with the technical and financial support of international organizations and financial institutions, plans to achieve zero growth in greenhouse gas emissions in the medium term, starting from 2030, and in the long term – an annual significant reduction in emissions, -  Serdar Berdimuhamedov said.

 The Vice-Chairman mentioned that after the adoption of the global Sustainable Development Goals, Turkmenistan is actively working to achieve them domestically and internationally.

 “The contribution of Turkmenistan, determined at the national level, is, in fact, a confirmation of the country's ambitious goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in key sectors of the economy,” Berdimuhamedov said.  – Due to the introduction of modern technologies in all spheres of the state economy, the volume of greenhouse gas emissions is reduced.

 The Vice-Chairman noted that in order to achieve the goals on the climate agenda in Turkmenistan at the national level, special attention is paid to reducing methane emissions.

 “In this regard, we welcome the new initiative on the global methane commitment and express our interest in studying it in detail with a view to possible substantive participation,” the Vice-Chairman added.

 By improving the national legal framework, Turkmenistan makes a significant contribution to achieving climate neutrality.  Thus, the National Strategy on Climate Change, the National Strategy for the Development of Renewable Energy until 2030 and the new law of Turkmenistan «On Renewable Energy Sources» were adopted.

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