The reconstruction of the gas pipeline in Mary region is underway

21:55 09.11.2021 3685

 Employees of the construction and installation department for gasification of Mary region, as well as enterprises and organizations of the «Turkmengazupjunchilik» associations are working on uninterrupted supply of natural gas to the population of cities and villages, reconstruction of existing gas pipelines, and preparation of gas networks for the heating season.

 The necessary materials, pipes of various diameters and other resources used in the construction and reconstruction of gas pipelines are timely provided by the «Marygazupdzhunchik» management.

 At present, the work of gas workers is concentrated on the territory of the Turkmengala etrap.  Here, construction and installation work on the overhaul of the gas pipeline is proceeding at a high rate, starting from the Tutly gas distribution station to the settlements of the Bayramali and Turkmengala etraps.  Along the 12 thousand 850 meters gas pipeline, 159 mm pipes are being replaced by pipes with a higher throughput with a diameter of 530 mm.

 Pipe installation works are carried out by highly qualified specialists.  At the same time, modern technology, welding equipment and other technical units are involved, which are necessary for high-quality and timely work.  To date, gas workers have completed construction and installation work and commissioned 6,300 meters of the gas pipeline.

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