Uzbekistan may import gas in case of abnormal cold weather, – Ministry of Energy

21:54 09.11.2021 10262

 Uzbekistan does not rule out the possible import of natural gas in winter in the event of a sharp increase in demand in severe cold conditions, Interfax reported, citing the press service of the country's energy ministry.

 «With an abnormal cold snap and lack of own resources, it is possible that gas will be purchased abroad in order to provide the population and socially important facilities of the republic», the message says.

 According to the Ministry of Energy, it is planned to supply 32.622 billion cubic meters of natural gas to domestic consumers in the current autumn-winter period, more than 3 billion cubic meters have been pumped into underground gas storage facilities.

 As noted in the department, in the context of a sharp drop in air temperature, according to the adopted regulatory legal acts, seasonal consumers are obliged to switch to alternative types of fuel, and the released volumes of gas will be additionally directed to meet the needs of the social sphere, objects of strategic importance and the population.

 According to the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan, natural gas production in the country in 2020 decreased by 17.8% compared to 2019, to 49.739 billion cubic meters.  Its exports in value terms decreased 4.7 times – to $ 478.1 million, and imports, which were almost not carried out, amounted to $ 50.4 million.

 Gas production capacities in Uzbekistan currently allow for the production of natural gas in the amount of about 70 billion cubic meters.  However, due to the depletion of reserves and technological losses, the production of hydrocarbons has dropped significantly over the past 15 years.

 It should be noted that earlier Uzbekistan had already purchased natural gas from Turkmenistan through Russia.  According to the reporting and memorandum of the June issue of Gazprom's Eurobonds, in 2020 Uzbekistan purchased 0.9 billion cubic meters of Turkmen «blue fuel» through a Russian company, and in the first quarter of 2021 – already 1.5 billion cubic meters.

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