The results of work in the fuel and energy complex were considered and its economic state was discussed

23:19 25.11.2021 4017

 On November 24, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a working meeting on the development of the fuel and energy and financial and economic complexes of the country with the participation of the relevant Vice-Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers and heads of a number of specialized structures, at which the results of the work carried out in the fuel and energy complex were considered and its economic state was discussed.

 During the meeting, the leader of the nation noted such a result of the energy policy implemented by Turkmenistan, as the industry, including the gas sector, was developing dynamically. In our country, that occupies a leading position in the world in terms of reserves of «blue fuel», more and more new wells are being discovered and developed, modern gas processing enterprises have been built, their work allows us to implement international projects, the head of state said.

 In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov drew attention to the important tasks set to more efficiently organize the work of the industry in the current situation, improve its economic condition, increase the production and export of natural gas, and diversify its supply routes.

 In this direction, according to the «Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030», appropriate steps are being taken.  In the context of solving the problems facing the institutions and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, the successful interaction established with foreign partners was noted.

 As part of this activity, program work is being successfully carried out at the petrochemical plants built in our country.  The leader of the nation noted that maintaining a steady pace of work carried out in this area was identified as one of the priority tasks.

 Mentioned the importance of the steady implementation of the program for the industrialization of the domestic economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that, along with other industries, in the fuel and energy and financial and economic complexes, solving problems in this direction was of paramount importance.  In this regard, the head of state inquired about the progress of the work being carried out.

 The first floor was given to Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Abdrakhmanov, who reported on the fulfillment of the instructions of the leader of the nation for the development of the oil and gas complex, the introduction of the latest achievements of science, advanced technologies, digital systems and international experience in the fuel and energy complex, attracting foreign investment, and increasing the export of natural gas.

 Comprehensive work is being carried out to increase the production of «blue fuel», increase the productivity of existing wells and develop new ones.

 The Vice-Chairman also informed about the measures being taken to further develop gas production and efficiently sell it on international markets.

 After listening to the report, the head of state noted that effective steps should be taken to accelerate geological exploration, increase the volume of identified and proven reserves of hydrocarbons and other natural resources.  Efforts must be made to attract foreign investment to the oil refining and gas chemical industries.

 Further, Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov reported on the relevant measures being implemented in the financial and economic complex, the development of capital investments from all sources of funding, as well as on the state of affairs in the supervised area.

 Currently, Turkmenistan is at the stage of carrying out new economic reforms based on the use of modern technology and advanced technologies, digitalization of all industries, creation of innovative industries, deepening the country's integration into the system of world economic relations, expanding international cooperation and intensifying investment activities.

 The national economy is successfully diversifying through the use of the rich opportunities available for this, interstate cooperation is increasing, and the country's foreign economic potential is increasing.  In this regard, it was noted that the economic progress of the Motherland is stimulated by significant resource potential, as well as large volumes of investment in priority areas of state development.

 Summing up the report, the leader of the nation emphasized the importance of taking effective steps to ensure economic stability and growth, as well as the need for regular analysis of the state of affairs, control over the targeted use of financial resources by the sectors of the national economy.

 The head of Turkmenistan instructed the Vice-Chairman to take concrete measures in order to timely solve the tasks set for the institutions of the oil and gas complex.

 Then President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having identified a number of priority tasks, gave relevant instructions to the meeting participants.

 The leader of the nation noted that in order to improve the work of the gas industry, it is necessary to work hard, productively using all available production facilities.

 The head of state emphasized that on the basis of the latest scientific and technological achievements and digitalization, the efficiency of labor organization at the gas industry enterprises should be increased.  To do this, you need to attract as much investment as possible into the industry.

 Focusing on the need to conduct an in-depth analysis of current consumption of natural gas in world markets, as well as prices for it, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed specific instructions to Vice-Chairman Sh. Abdrakhmanov.

 The leader of the nation also gave instructions, expanding the geography of export of Turkmen «blue fuel» to foreign markets, to carry out urgent work to conclude contracts with interested neighboring and regional states for the supply of natural gas on a short, medium and long term basis.

 Continuing the topic, the head of state instructed to intensify the development of the Galkynyş field, which is one of the first in the world in terms of gas reserves.

 For the successful fulfillment of obligations under the concluded contracts for the sale and purchase of «blue fuel» in the coming years, it is necessary to ensure the production of additional volumes of it in other hydrocarbon fields of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized.

 When the State Concern «Turkmengas» signed contracts for the purchase and sale of natural gas, the head of state instructed to thoroughly study the relevant world experience and gave appropriate instructions regarding the tasks of exporting Turkmen gas to foreign countries.

 The leader of the nation instructed Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Serdar Berdimuhamedov to regularly monitor the financial and economic state of the oil and gas complex, realize its potential, and keep this issue under constant control.

 The leader of the nation noted the need to prepare specific proposals for improving the material support of gas and oil producing enterprises, geological exploration organizations, carrying out the necessary repairs and reconstruction at production facilities.

 The head of state instructed the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Central Bank to carefully study and keep under unremitting control the financial and economic condition of the fuel and energy complex enterprises, the use of its capacities.

 Focusing on the importance of the steady implementation of the sectoral programs of the oil and gas sector in accordance with modern requirements, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov instructed to constantly keep in sight the issues of improving the banking system based on advanced technologies.

 Summing up the results of the meeting, the leader of the nation once again noted the importance of the issues discussed today, emphasizing that the priority of all programs being implemented is to ensure the country's economic progress, and, having given specific instructions to the relevant leaders in this context, wished success in solving the tasks set.

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