Day of workers of oil and gas industry and geology of Turkmenistan celebrated

16:55 16.12.2021 4805

  In the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, a solemn meeting was held on the theme “Reaching the boundaries of the oil and gas industry and geology in the year “Turkmenistan – the Homeland of Peace and Trust”.

 The event, which was chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, Shakhym Abdrakhmanov, was attended by workers and specialists of the country's oil and gas complex.

 During the official part of the meeting, the President's congratulatory message was read out on the occasion of the day of workers in the oil and gas industry and geology.  In his congratulations, the leader of the nation expressed confidence in the successful implementation of the «Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030», which caused great enthusiasm among the audience.

 During the meeting, the head of the IOGU department, Professor Nuryagdy Suvkhanov, the director of the trade union organization of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan Sapar Ataberdiyev, the head of the folk instruments orchestra of the cultural and business center of the State Concern «Turkmengas», People's Artist of Turkmenistan Bayrammurat Soyunov, the leading specialist of the Foreign Economic Relations Department of the State Concern «Turkmennebit»  Gulyalek Yuzbashieva, Deputy Head of the Ashgabat Gas Station of the «Turkmennebitonumleri» Main Department, member of the Halk Maslahaty of Ashgabat Rakhym Esenov and others.

Speakers at the meeting noted the measures taken to strengthen the raw material and production potential of the oil and gas industries, the construction of new production facilities for deep processing of oil and gas, the modernization of existing installations, exploration, development and commissioning of new hydrocarbon fields.

 They also talked about increasing the productive capacity of wells, introducing advanced technologies at factories, establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with leading world companies, improving the social and living conditions of the complex's employees.  In the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, oil and gas workers demonstrated effective performance.

  The most distinguished honored oil workers, gas workers, geologists and other employees of the complex were presented with valuable gifts on behalf of the President.  The winners were awarded in two nominations at once.

 According to the results of the competition «Nebitgaz – baýlygym, hazyna-genjim, waspyň etsin diller, saňa buýsanjym!» Arslan Annamuradov, head of the well information center of the  State Corporation «Turkmengeology», Atageldy Seyidov, executive secretary of the «Oil and Gas» newspaper, Nazarmukhammet Nazargulyev, a teacher of the IOGU named after Yagshigeldy Kakayev, became prize winners of the first place.

 The second place was shared by the senior researcher of the Nebitgazylmytaslama Institute of the State Concern «Turkmennebit» Veyis Annataganov, the correspondent of the «Oil and Gas» newspaper of the Lebap region Mammetgylych Kutiev, the senior teacher of the IOGU named after Yagshigeldy Kakayev Sona Islamova.

 The third place was taken by Vepa Khanov, a specialist of the production technological service of geophysical surveys of wells at the Mary site of the Turkmengeophysics department of the State Company «Turkmengas», Byagul Atayeva, a teacher at the Mary oil and gas secondary vocational school of the State Concern «Turkmengas», and a 3rd year student at the IOGU named after Yagshigeldy Kakayev Begli Begliev.

 In the nomination of the competition “Türkmenistan – parahat ösüşleriň mekany, dünýä dolsun ynanyşmaklyk mukamy” 1st place was taken by the correspondent of the newspaper “Oil and Gas” of the Dashoguz region Dadebay Nartyev, director of the cultural and business center of the State Corporation “Turkmengas”, specialist Nurtegmukhmety, specialist Nurtegmukhramyz  Turkmenistan Ejekeyik Kurbanberdyeva.

 The second place was shared by the operator of pumping units of the Kenar enterprise for storage and shipment of petroleum products at TCOR Ayterek Annamuradova, teacher of the IOGU named after Yagshigeldy Kakayev in the Balkanabat department Arzygul Annayeva, senior foreperson for oil and gas wells fixing of the Nebitgazburavlaiysh trust of the State Concern «Turkmennebit», director of the women's council of the concern Ogulbibi Shikhiyeva.

 Arslan Annamuradov, the head of the laboratory of the scientific research institute of natural gas of the State Concern «Turkmengas», the operator of the 1st category of the gas station No. 7 in Ashgabat, Baimyrat Balakayev, and the photojournalist of the «Oil and Gas» newspaper Arslan Mullikov, became the winners of the third place.

 The winners of the competition were awarded certificates and valuable gifts.  At the end, an appeal was made to the President of Turkmenistan.

 Then, a festive concert took place, at which famous artists and creative groups of the Turkmen stage performed in front of the workers of the oil and gas complex.

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