Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: although 2021 was hard, it becameto good for our country

20:34 28.12.2021 9914

 Summing up the results of the outgoing year, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that, although it was hard, it turned out to be very good for our country.  The head of the state said this, speaking on Monday at the final joint meeting of the government and the State Security Council in the outgoing year, at which the results of the outgoing 2021 were discussed.

 The President noted that in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and the global crisis, Turkmenistan was able to maintain a high GDP growth rate at 6.2%.  Practically in all segments of the national economy, the maximum established rate of growth of production volumes has been ensured.  The size of wages, pensions and state benefits has been increased.

 This year, the pace of reforms in such areas as public administration, internal and external financial, trading systems, as well as labor and goods markets was accelerated, which made it possible to significantly increase production volumes, the President continued.

 The head of the state also mentioned that we were able to achieve high growth rates in the construction, industrial spheres and other areas.  The exchange rate is kept within the established limits.  Industrialization and digitalization of the economy are carried out in accordance with the adopted programs.  Transformations continue in the systems of science and education, healthcare and other spheres.

 A good harvest of grain and cotton was obtained this year, and the construction of large plants and factories continues successfully. Oil and gas fields are being developed, main gas pipelines are being laid.  The construction of comfortable residential buildings, schools, high-class hotels and other social facilities is being carried out on a large scale, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, adding that there are no questions about the payment of wages.

 Currently, the construction of over two and a half thousand industrial and social facilities with a total contractual value of about US $36 billion is underway, the President noted.  This year alone, instead of the planned 30 facilities, 73 large structures with a total cost of 13 billion manats have already been commissioned.

 As striking examples, the Turkmen leader named the opening of the Kerki International Airport and large electric and gas compressor stations in the Lebap velayat, a plant for the production of plastic pipes in Mary region, a 30-kilometer steel track between Akina-Andkhoy stations,  the Kerki-Shibergan route with a length of 153 kilometers, the international fiber-optic communication systems Ymamnazar-Akina and Serhetabat-Turgundi.

 It is especially pleasing that this year residential buildings with a total area of ​​about 1 million square meters, including luxury apartments, kindergartens, 7 schools, medical institutions and other social facilities were commissioned in the country, the head of state emphasized.

 The President also noted that the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India transnational gas pipeline and the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan power transmission line are underway.

 - I am sure that future generations will appreciate the work we have done.  Having passed with honor through the difficult trials of the global crisis caused by the pandemic, we set ourselves more ambitious goals and objectives, and we will mark the coming year with concrete deeds and the implementation of new projects, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

 Following the meeting, the President approved the emblem and motto of 2022 «Epoch of people with Arkadag» and signed a decree on the holiday of the Turkmen Alabay.

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