New Year's address of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Turkmen people

19:37 01.01.2022 10692

 My dear people!

 Dear compatriots!

 The year 2021 is coming to an end, the motto of which is «Turkmenistan – Homeland of Peace and Trust».  Very soon, after spending this year marked by success, in an atmosphere of great joy, with bright dreams and hopes, we will meet the New Year, 2022.

 According to the eastern calendar, the coming year is the year of the leopard.  «Leopard is wealth», a popular saying says, and therefore our people, associating the year of the leopard with luck, happiness and prosperity, confidently enter the New Year with clear goals.

 Despite the continuing difficult situation in the world, in 2021 we achieved sustainable economic growth, launched a number of large-scale works in the interests of the country and the people.  A large number of social and industrial facilities were built and commissioned.  Thousands of happy families celebrated their housewarming.

 In general, marked by grandiose celebrations, the 30th anniversary of the glorious independence of the Homeland has inscribed in golden letters in our history.  This year, in various parts of our country, the opening ceremonies of hundreds of residential buildings, schools and kindergartens, medical, sports and industrial facilities, parks that gave a special flavor to this historical date took place.

 The number of only large objects built and put into operation only in the anniversary year reached 73. Among them are the Ashgabat-Tejen section of the Ashgabat-Turkmenabat autobahn, Kaakhka and Babadaykhan textile complexes, the «Türkmeniň ak öýi» buildings in the cities of Turkmenabat, Balkanabat and Dashoguz  as well as other structures.

 This year, the 140th anniversary of our beautiful capital, the city of Ashgabat, was solemnly celebrated, and the foundation of a new residential complex «Ashgabat City» was laid.  The Ashgabat complex, which has no analogues in the region, opened in the capital, consisting of a shopping, entertainment and business center, a modern residential building, as well as the unique Arkadag and Garagum hotels have increased our pride in the white marble capital.

 In addition, at present, the construction of several hundred social and industrial facilities continues at an accelerated pace in the country, a number of international projects are being implemented.

 In the era of power and happiness in agriculture, fundamental reforms are carried out.  Our courageous farmers this year also coped with honor in fulfilling their contractual obligations for harvesting grain and cotton.

 They handed over over 1 million 400 thousand tons of grain and more than 1 million 250 thousand tons of «white gold» to the harman of the Motherland.  They also harvested high yields of fruits and vegetables and melons.

 This year, on the occasion of the glorious 30th anniversary of sacred independence, 30 million seedlings of deciduous, coniferous, fruit trees and grapes were planted.  We will continue the work begun on the radical reform of agriculture.

 Dear compatriots!

 My dear people!

 A healthy society is a solid foundation of the state.  And therefore, we also carry out consistent work to protect the health and increase the life expectancy of people, prevent diseases, and establish the norms of a healthy lifestyle.  We attach great importance to physical culture and sports as a factor in ensuring the health and happy life of our people, including the younger generation.  We are very proud of the success achieved at the XXXII Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo this year.

 We create all conditions for the youth – our future – to receive a decent education and upbringing.  We consider the mastery of the young generation in a modern specialty and digital technologies as one of the priority directions of state policy.

 In strengthening the economic power of our country, developing a digital system, creating new industrial sectors, implementing large projects and national programs, we assign a large role to science.

 In our independent state, all conditions are created for the flourishing of culture, literature and art.  A large-scale work is being carried out to preserve, enrich and popularize the national heritage, which is bearing its wonderful fruits.  Recently, the national nomination «Craft for making dutar, performing musical art on it and the art of bakhshi» was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

 I sincerely congratulate all the people of our country on this wonderful event!

 The Week of Culture, which took place this year in the Lebap velayat, was of great importance in the study and widespread popularization of the national heritage of our courageous people.  In the New Year, 2022, we will spend the Week of Culture in Mary region.

 The opening ceremony in Ashgabat of the cultural and park complex Makhtumkuli Fraghi, which will be timed to coincide with the Week of Culture on the occasion of the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Makhtumkuli Fraghi next year, will make a great impression.

 Dear compatriots!

 In the outgoing year, amendments and additions were made to the Basic Law, the legal foundations of the country's bicameral parliamentary system were determined.

 Under the conditions of the new parliamentary structure, we have successfully held elections for members of the Halk Maslahaty Milli Gengesh of Turkmenistan.

 This historic event, which marked a new stage in the development of the representative and legislative bodies of our country, is intended to bring the work of the legislative branch of our sovereign state to a qualitatively new level, as well as to further improve the quality of the laws and legislative acts adopted.

 Dear compatriots!

 As you know, at the initiative of neutral Turkmenistan, the year 2021 was declared around the world as the “International Year of Peace and Confidence”.

 This year, on our proposal, the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolutions «Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization», «The role and significance of the policy of neutrality in maintaining and strengthening international peace, security and the process of sustainable development», “The Role of the United Nations Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia”, “Strengthening Connectivity Between All Modes of Transport to Ensure Stable and Reliable International Transport for Sustainable Development During and after the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic”,  which is a gratifying result of the foreign policy activity of our country.

 The holding of the 15th Summit of the Organization for Economic Cooperation in Ashgabat at a high level, participation of Turkmenistan in the VIII Summit of the Organization of Turkic-Speaking States and joining it as an observer were especially significant events of the current year.

 Dear friends!

 In our sovereign state, pursuing the policy «State is for person!», Consistent concern is shown for further improving the well-being and strengthening of social security of citizens, which is clearly evidenced by an increase of another 10 percent in the size of wages, pensions, state benefits, scholarships for students and listeners  from January 1 of the New Year.

 A full census of the population and housing stock of Turkmenistan will also take place next year.  The main goal of this event, which will be held under the motto «Population Census – 2022: Cohesion, Happiness, Bright Future», is to obtain accurate information about the demographic composition of the population and the socio-economic status of the population.

 In a word, our Fatherland is confidently moving forward along the bright path of creation and achievement.  The results achieved in all directions have a positive effect on the progressive increase in the standard of living of the native people and further strengthen their faith in the future.

 Working hand in hand together with our courageous people, we celebrate the New Year with great success with selfless labor.  With great pride in our homeland, firm faith in tomorrow and clear goals, we will reach even higher goals.

 My dear people!

 Dear compatriots!

 In a matter of moments, we are meeting 2022.

 May 2022 be the year of peace, prosperity, great success and prosperity all over the world!  May unity and tranquility reign in your family hearths in the New Year!  May the succession of happy days fanned with glory and the time of prosperity endlessly last!

 Dear compatriots!

 My dear people!

 Happy New Year 2022!

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