President of Turkmenistan visited the world's largest gas field «Galkynysh»

23:16 04.01.2022 5676

 On Monday, January 3, on the first working day of 2022, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to Mary region.  From Mary airport, the head of state flew by helicopter towards the super-giant Galkynysh gas field, which has colossal reserves of natural gas.

 Currently, Turkmenistan is actively addressing the issues of modernization and development of the economy, its transfer to a digital platform.  This opens up new opportunities for the integrated development of the leading sectors of the national economy, including the oil and gas industry.  In particular, measures are being taken to further technical and technological equipment of the fuel and energy complex, which allows to fully automate the processes at the Galkynysh field associated with the production, collection, processing and transportation of “blue fuel”.

 In the administrative building, the head of state was presented with drawings and diagrams with detailed data on the identified promising deposits in this region, as well as on the ways of their development.

 Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern «Turkmengas» reported on the work done to study the rich reserves of oil and gas, the development of advanced scientific practices to increase the volume of their processing.  It was also reported about the training of specialists in this area, their research work in accordance with the requirements of the time.

 The Chairman of the State Corporation «Turkmengeology» reported on the geological exploration work carried out in different regions of the country, about their features, scientific experiments carried out in this area.

 The Chairman of the State Concern «Turkmengas» made a report on investments aimed at the development of the industry and comprehensive work aimed at increasing the volume of natural gas production and diversifying its transportation.

Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Shakhym Abdrakhmanov reported on the state of affairs in the oil and gas industry, steps taken to increase its export potential, as well as on the drilling of new oil and gas wells.

 In particular, it was noted that the work of the oil and gas complex, which is one of the key sectors of the national economy, is constantly being improved, advanced world experience and innovative technologies are being actively introduced.  This contributes to the development and steady increase in the production capacity of the complex, including the processing industry.

 Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the presented drawings, with the course of solving issues related to the development of gas fields.  In this regard, it was emphasized that the use of the natural resources of our country in industry would help to strengthen the national economy and further improve the standard of living of the people.  In addition, investment projects in the fuel and energy sector contribute to the further development of mutually beneficial international cooperation.

 Speaking about this, the head of state highlighted the promising site “Gunorta Mary”.  Here, as in different parts of the country, the drilling of gas wells should be approached in an innovative way, which is the main condition for the efficient use of natural gas resources.

In this regard, the Galkynysh gas field, the total reserves of which together with the Ýaşlar and Garaköl fields are estimated at 27.4 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, we are developing on a phased basis through specific projects focused on the long term, the President said.  Adding that the development of other gas fields in the country is under way at the same time.

We are carrying out tremendous work in order to effectively use this wealth for the benefit of the Turkmen people and in the interests of the peoples of the world, the leader of the nation said.

Focusing attention on the need to intensify geological exploration and drilling works, industrial development of new oil and gas fields, the head of state wished everyone success in fulfilling the assigned tasks and left the scene.

It should be noted that under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan, which has colossal reserves of hydrocarbon resources, is consistently implementing a comprehensive strategy aimed at innovative development of the fuel and energy sector.  Its important components are the efficient use of the potential of the oil and gas complex, the modernization of the profile infrastructure based on advanced technologies and the latest developments, an increase in the production capacity of the mining and processing industries, and the development of export routes for «blue fuel» on a multi-vector basis.  At the same time, special attention is paid to environmental issues.

The tasks of strengthening the raw material base of the industry, industrial development of new deposits in all regions of the country are also being successfully solved.

 The consistent implementation of large-scale projects in this strategic area is a significant contribution to the intensification of international cooperation, the formation of a single global energy security architecture that meets the realities and requirements of the time.  The relevant resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly confirm the importance and relevance of the constructive initiatives of the Turkmen leader in this area.

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