Turkmenistan designed a Roadmap for the development of international cooperation in the field of hydrogen energy

20:04 24.01.2022 3728


 The draft Roadmap for the development of international cooperation of Turkmenistan in the field of hydrogen energy for 2022-2023 was presented to the President by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs Rashid Meredov at a government meeting on Friday.

 As noted, the implementation of this program will allow building a new industry in a short time with a significant multiplier effect for the Turkmen economy, responding to foreign economic challenges and synchronized with the country's export policy and its environmental strategy.

 The document contains the main goals and objectives for the creation of a low-carbon hydrogen industry and includes measures for its technological and personnel support, development of business and scientific ties in this direction.

 R. Meredov informed about the key aspects of the program, in particular, the intensification of partnerships with such specialized organizations as the International Renewable Energy Agency – IRENA, the International Energy Agency – IEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency – IAEA, the Energy Charter, etc.

 To this end, it is proposed to develop a National Strategy for the Development of Hydrogen Energy with the involvement of international experts, as well as to create an IRENA Center for Hydrogen Energy in Turkmenistan and open a similar experimental center on the basis of the International Oil and Gas University named after Yagshigeldy Kakayev.

 The question also arises of creating an industry infrastructure – organizing the industrial production of hydrogen, its storage and transportation networks, as well as investments in this area.

 It is also necessary to carry out work on the formation of an appropriate infrastructure for the production, storage and transportation of this type of energy carriers and to attract large investments to the industry.  To this end, it is proposed to create an Interdepartmental Working Group on the development of hydrogen energy in Turkmenistan.

 In terms of expanding cooperation and exchanging experience in this area, it is planned to organize consultations with the relevant departments of Japan, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Korea, and the UK.

 After listening to the report and generally approving the submitted proposals, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan aims to further increase cooperation with foreign partners, including in the energy sector.  Among the priority vectors for the implementation of the national strategy in this direction, alternative energy has been identified.

 In our country, much attention is paid to attracting and introducing advanced technologies for the practical use of its sources.  One of them is hydrogen as a fuel of the future, the production and study of the possibilities of using which is especially important in the light of global problems associated with ecology and climate change.

 Emphasizing that Turkmenistan will continue to take steps to stimulate international cooperation in the field of low-carbon, and in particular, hydrogen energy, where our country has ample opportunities, the leader of the nation instructed the Vice-Chairman, head of the Foreign Ministry to continue work in this direction.

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