Turkmenistan develops measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

21:29 01.02.2022 3787


 Turkmenistan has developed a document on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and providing for the adoption of specific measures for this purpose.  This was announced by Vice-Chairman, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov at a government meeting last Friday.

 The Vice-Chairman noted that in accordance with the National Strategy of Turkmenistan on Climate Change, approved by the decree of the head of state in 2019, priority is given to the fulfillment of the obligations of our country arising from the Paris Agreement.  In this regard, a document has been developed regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in Turkmenistan by 2030 and providing for the adoption of appropriate measures for this purpose.

 “In cooperation with international organizations, a key place is given to climate change issues and the introduction of advanced technologies to ensure environmental safety,” - R. Meredov said.

 He noted that in order to develop a multilateral partnership in this direction, it is proposed to establish systemic interaction with the UN Center for Climate Change Technologies.  This Center, established in Copenhagen (Kingdom of Denmark) under the Framework Convention on Climate Change, has been operating since 2013 under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the United Nations Industrial Development (UNIDO).

 It is also important to expand cooperation with UNIDO, which is a UN specialized agency in the field of environmentally sound economy and industry.  Together with this structure, specific projects are being implemented on a systematic basis, aimed at fulfilling the obligations of Turkmenistan under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer.

 At present, documents on a number of profile projects have been prepared and it is proposed to allow their signing from the Turkmen side to the Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, R. Meredov said.

 Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov generally approved the submitted proposals, instructing Vice-Chairman Meredov to continue work to promote the country's environmental initiatives and further develop cooperation with foreign partners in this area.

 “The wide introduction of innovative environmentally friendly technologies in all spheres of life, the principles of the “green economy”, the rational and careful use of natural resources, the achievement of energy efficiency, the protection and restoration of ecosystems are integral factors in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on a regional and global scale, the Turkmen leader said.

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