Dovletgeldy AKMAMEDOV, the proofreader of the Nebit-Gaz newspaper, poet:

19:26 18.05.2022 3967

“In the introductory speech to his new work Ömrümiň Manysy, our Hero-Arkadag, People’s Honorary Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasizes that the duty of every person is to think not only about the path covered, but also about what needs to be done in later life. And this is important for every person. 

“The book allows us to ‘plunge’ into the history of the Turkmen people and learn much new and cognitive about the foundations of moral life, the origin and dissemination of science, education and culture and the peace-loving and creative principles of the Turkmen people, inherited from the time of their forefather Oguz Khan. On the pages of his new book, the esteemed Hero-Arkadag consistently reveals how our country proves in practice that neutrality, peaceableness and good-neighborliness have been and will remain the basis of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy. 

“Interesting facts can be gleaned about the life and instructions bequeathed to descendants by authoritative representatives of Sufism, religious and political figures, talented poets and humanists of the East, including Abu Seyit Abul Khayr (Myane Baba), Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, Nejmeddin Kubra, Bahaweddin Nagyshbendi and others. This exciting story is based on the author’s deep research work on numerous historical sources, documents and works of prominent representatives of science and culture. 

“The role of the new work of the Hero-Arkadag is significant not only in the cognition of the great historical heritage of the Turkmen, but also in the formation of a high moral and spiritual image of the country’s citizens, especially young people. The content of the book inspires pride in our independent homeland, it inspires creative work for the sake of the prosperity of our beloved Motherland. 

“The esteemed Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov notes that the topics he raised will be continued in his next work Ömrümiň Manysynyň Dowamaty. We all will be looking forward to it.” 

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