The results of the work of the fuel and energy complex for 6 months of 2022 were summed up at the industry meeting

19:25 12.07.2022 3185

 Yesterday, a reporting meeting was held in the Central building of the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan, at which the results of the work of enterprises in the industry for six months of this year were discussed.

At the reporting meeting, important aspects of the implementation of the tasks set by President Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, held on July 8 this year, were considered, during which the results of the activities of the sectors of the national economic complex over the past six months, including the oil and gas sector, were summed up.

 The reporting meeting was chaired by the Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh.Abdrakhmanov, where the State Minister - Chairman of the State Concern "Turkmengas" B.Amanov, Chairman of the State Concern "Turkmennebit" G.Agajanov, Chairman of the State Corporation "Turkmengeology" M.Rozyev, General Director  TCOR D.Chishiev, General Director of CJSC "Turkmen National Oil and Gas Company" M.Pirliev, as well as heads of departments and enterprises of the complex.

 In the speeches, important directions for the implementation of the "Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period up to 2030" were announced, as well as the results of activities for the period January-June this year.

 During the meeting, speakers noted the importance of the tasks set by the head of state for the country's oil and gas complex, in particular, specific instructions to modernize the activities of oil and gas enterprises in order to effectively use the country's natural wealth and resources.  The relevance of the widespread introduction of modern digital technologies into production and the creation of new jobs was also emphasized.

In this context, it was noted about the necessary measures aimed at further diversifying the fuel and energy complex and improving the financial condition of the industry.  Strengthening mutually beneficial relations with reliable foreign partners and establishing an exchange of experience, preparing specific proposals for increasing the productivity of production oil and gas wells were named among the priority tasks.

 Among the urgent tasks are also the advanced training of the employees of the complex, the active use of digital technologies in the context of a developing digital economy and the improvement of this work.  In this regard, emphasis was placed on the need to establish an exchange of best practices with relevant leading global companies.

 Among the priority vectors, the increase in the efficiency of geological exploration, seismic exploration and drilling, the implementation of activities for the discovery and development of new oil and gas fields, including through the use of 3D modeling technology, were also identified.  Attention was also focused on the need to ensure the operation of oil refineries at maximum capacity.

 During the meeting, information was given on the progress in the construction of the strategically important transnational pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India.

 At the end of the reporting meeting, Vice-Chairman Sh. Abdrakhmanov emphasized the need to ensure stable development of the oil and gas industry in the "Era of the people with Arkadag", which is one of the leading sectors of the national economy of our country.

 The advisor to the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas issues A. Begliev also took part in the reporting meeting.

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