The ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Armenian Commission for Economic Cooperation was held

15:22 14.09.2022 2247

 Today, on September 13, the 9th meeting of the Turkmen-Armenian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation was held in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan. The meeting was chaired by Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Shakhym Abdrakhmanov – Chairman of the Turkmen part of the Commission, and Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of the Republic of Armenia Gnel Sanosyan – Chairman of the Armenian part of the Commission.

 The meeting was attended by members of the Commission from both sides, as well as representatives of the leadership and senior officials of ministries, departments, business entities of the two countries.

 Having listened to the information on the implementation of the decisions of the eighth meeting of the Commission, held in Yerevan on March 14-15, 2017, the participants of the meeting expressed satisfaction with the progress of the work carried out and noted the importance of continuing interaction in the implementation of the long-term goals set.

 The parties mentioned the importance of the high-level meetings held during the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Armenia on August 23-24, 2017 and the official visit of the President of Armenia to Turkmenistan on September 17, 2017, which gave a powerful impetus to the further development and deepening of bilateral trade and economic cooperation.

 Having considered the state of bilateral trade and economic relations between Turkmenistan and Armenia, the parties noted the high potential for the development of mutually beneficial business partnership.  In this regard, the need for further formation of favorable conditions for the establishment of direct ties between the economic entities of Turkmenistan and Armenia was emphasized.

The commission prepared a number of specific recommendations for the relevant ministries and organizations of the two countries aimed at enhancing trade and economic ties.  The parties agreed to consider the possibility of creating a trading house «Turkmenistan» in Armenia and a trading house «Armenia» in Turkmenistan.  It was also noted that the export of products from the oil and gas, industrial, agricultural, food and textile industries of Turkmenistan to Armenia will contribute to the development and strengthening of trade relations between the two countries.

 In order to strengthen cooperation between the business circles of the two countries, recommendations were made to assist entrepreneurial structures in finding business partners, holding business forums, conferences, congresses and exhibitions.  It is also recommended to promote the increase in the volume of trade between the two countries and the expansion of the range of exported goods.

 The meeting discussed the possibilities of expanding cooperation in the field of the fuel and energy complex.  To this end, the Commission instructed the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures of Armenia, the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and the State Concern «Turkmengas» to work out and agree on issues related to the supply of gas and electricity from Turkmenistan to Armenia.

 The Turkmen side invited the oil and gas organizations and companies of Armenia to take part in the annual international conference «Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan», as well as in international tenders announced by the oil and gas organizations of Turkmenistan for work, provision of services, as well as for the implementation of investment projects.

The Commission also noted the importance of developing cooperation in the field of finance and economics, science and education, in the field of high technologies, agriculture, construction and architecture, tourism and sports, healthcare and culture.

 In order to develop cooperation in the field of transport, the parties noted the need to use the international railway line "Kazakhstan - Turkmenistan - Iran - Armenia".  It was also instructed to consider the possibility of establishing regular flights between the two countries and organizing transit flights using the territories of both states to third countries and back.

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