Moon Jae-in invited Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to visit the Republic of Korea

15:47 03.09.2020 5912

Turkmenistan regards the Republic of Korea as its reliable business partner, with which it intends to continue to build up productive cooperation based on great potential and mutual goodwill. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said this during a telephone conversation with President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in, held last Friday.

“We welcome the activity of Korean companies and will continue to provide the necessary assistance to their work in our country,” the Turkmen leader said.

Speaking about the successful activities of Korean companies operating in key sectors of the economy of Turkmenistan, the President cited as an example the implemented projects for the construction and modernization of oil and gas and gas chemical complexes, including a polymer plant in the village of Kiyanly.

One of the results of the successful partnership was named the next large batch of 400 Hyundai buses, which are currently being delivered to Turkmenistan as part of a project to modernize the transport fleet.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Moon Jae In expressed confidence that the regular meeting of the Turkmen-Korean Business Council held yesterday would further deepen interstate trade, economic and investment cooperation.

The parties also stressed that partnership in the field of medicine and health care can become very fruitful. Close interaction between the relevant departments of the two countries is especially relevant given the extremely serious challenge that the whole of humanity is facing today - an infectious disease caused by a new type of coronavirus. In this regard, it was emphasized that effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic requires joint solidarity steps from the entire international community.

Expressing gratitude to the Korean side for sending medical supplies and personal protective equipment to Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that he regards this step as a manifestation of friendship and trust between the two peoples.

Moon Jae In noted that he recalls with particular warmth the state visit to Turkmenistan in April 2019. Turkmenistan became the first of the Central Asian states, which the head of the Republic of Korea visited after taking office.

Confirming his interest in stepping up the dialogue with Turkmenistan, Moon Jae In invited his Turkmen counterpart to visit the Republic of Korea at any convenient time when favorable external conditions for the next personal meeting will be created.

The interlocutors also highly appreciated the work of the Central Asia - Republic of Korea Cooperation Forum, which makes a great contribution to enhancing contacts between the participating countries in various fields, including energy, transport, ecology, health care and culture.

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