Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov: an additional impetus is needed for the production of import-substituting and export-oriented products

20:24 10.09.2020 4773

Despite the current situation in the world, the results of the work for eight months show that our country continues to develop successfully, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, commenting on the results of economic development of Turkmenistan in January-August 2020 at a government meeting held last Friday in the format of video communication.

As the President noted, the currently dynamically pursued state macroeconomic policy has made it possible to achieve GDP growth at the level of 5.7 percent through the implementation of strategic programs.

In accordance with the adopted programs, work is also underway to reform the systems of science and education, modernize production, the leader of the nation noted. Effective measures are being taken to digitize and industrialize the country, a market economy is being formed, and oil and gas fields are being developed.

The construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan transmission line and the TAPI gas pipeline is ongoing, and other international projects are being developed. In our sovereign Fatherland, the head of state noted, large-scale construction of large industrial and social facilities has been launched.

The policy of supporting private entrepreneurs and their wide involvement in the implementation of economic transformations is being consistently implemented. But, despite this, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out, in some industries, unfortunately, many issues remain unresolved. But their solution directly depends on the work of the respective leaders.

Speaking about this, the head of state noted that at a government meeting following the results of nine months, a deep analysis of the activities of these industries will be carried out and appropriate conclusions will be drawn.

As the head of state stressed, the tasks facing us this year are clearly outlined in the country's development program for 2020-2025 and require a large amount of work. This means that we must all work hard and with inspiration to solve them.

It is necessary to give an additional impetus to the production of domestic import-substituting products, to increase the output of export-oriented goods, to rationally use the huge opportunities available in the sectors of the economy, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

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