The Second Caspian Economic Forum will be held in 2021 in Moscow

14:27 18.09.2020 5775

The Second Caspian Economic Forum will be held in Moscow in 2021, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said following talks with Kazakh Foreign Minister Mukhtar Tleuberdi held last week.

Lavrov also noted that preparations are being made for the sixth Caspian summit at the same time. A substantial package of documents is being prepared for this summit meeting.

As the minister emphasized, Russia and Kazakhstan are united on the need to continue strengthening interaction within the Caspian Five (Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan), which “has the main responsibility for ensuring security and transport connectivity in the Caspian region. , environmental protection, tourism development, scientific relations ”.

Recall that the first Caspian Economic Forum was held on August 11-12, 2019 in the Avaza National Tourist Zone on the Turkmen coast of the Caspian Sea. It was attended by the heads of government of all the Caspian states and a number of countries in the region, representatives of large foreign companies, banks, investment funds, science, and expert communities. This important event was a key event for further strengthening cooperation between the Caspian states.

The Fifth Caspian Summit was held on August 12, 2018 in Aktau (Kazakhstan), which was attended by the presidents of the Caspian states. The main event of the summit was the signing by the leaders of the five states of the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea taking into account the interests of all parties. This fundamental document creates a new legal regime for the Caspian Sea, which meets modern requirements and is aimed at further intensifying the comprehensive interaction of the coastal countries.

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