The President of Turkmenistan noted the presence of good prospects for deepening cooperation with Gazprom

21:20 16.02.2023 5516

 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, at a meeting with Alexei Miller, Chairman of the Board of the Russian company Gazprom, noted that there are good prospects for further deepening bilateral cooperation.  It is reported by TDH.

 In this context, the meeting discussed approaches to the optimal implementation of the existing potential for cooperation.

 As the head of state emphasized, Turkmenistan, having vast reserves of natural resources, is aimed at developing long-term cooperation with all interested foreign partners.  The key vectors here are the modernization of oil and gas enterprises, increasing the efficiency of the mining and processing sectors, diversifying energy exports, and implementing joint projects.

 At the same time, Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that Gazprom is a long-term partner of Turkmenistan, with which strong ties have been established.  Over many years of joint work, an effective model of relationships based on trust and mutual consideration of interests has been formed.

 During the meeting, Miller confirmed the interest of Russia's largest energy company in mutually beneficial cooperation with Turkmenistan.

 As Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted, the current visit of the Gazprom delegation to Turkmenistan will help strengthen cooperation in the fuel and energy sector and, in general, serve to further expand the multifaceted Turkmen-Russian ties.

 The head of state stressed that the development of a strategic partnership with the Russian Federation is one of the priority vectors of the foreign policy of Turkmenistan.

 During the meeting, the friendly, good-neighborly nature of Turkmen-Russian relations, which have deep historical roots, was noted.  It was emphasized that the trusting contacts maintained at the highest level, as well as the agreements reached during the talks at the top, serve as a solid basis for the dynamic development of cooperation in various areas.

 The meeting participants stated that at present, thanks to mutual efforts, interstate interaction is being filled with new content across its entire spectrum.  In this context, an important place is given to cooperation in the fuel and energy complex, where a lot of experience has been accumulated and there is a solid potential.

 It should be noted that at present, a five-year contract for the purchase of natural gas, signed on July 1, 2019, is in force between Gazprom and the State Concern «Turkmengas».

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