Following the Talks in Manama, a Package of Documents Is Signed

03:07 24.02.2023 2598

On Wednesday, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa held talks in Manama, as TDH reports.

When discussing the priority issues of the Turkmen-Bahraini cooperation, the parties confirmed their readiness for its further intensification in all areas. The heads of the two states focused on the prospects of trade and economic partnership, also emphasizing the importance of interaction in the humanitarian and cultural sphere. 

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views on a number of topical issues of mutual interest on the international and the regional agenda.

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited the King and Crown Prince, Prime Minister of Bahrain to visit Turkmenistan in the near future. The invitation was gratefully accepted.

Then the talks continued in an extended format, with the participation of official delegations from both countries. At the meeting, the ceremony of signing documents took place.

Among them, at the intergovernmental level, the Agreement on Air Communication between the two countries; the Memoranda of Understanding in the field of maritime transport, in the railway transport sector, in the sphere of general, technical and higher education, in the field of standardization, certification, accreditation and metrology and in the area of crafts and traditions were signed.  

The Agreement on Cooperation was also signed between the State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan and the Bahrain Development Bank.

In order to develop the trade and economic relations, Bahrain granted Turkmenistan the status of an official partner in sea and air transportation within the framework of the Sea-Air Global Logistics Hub. 

As a result of the official visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Bahrain, a Joint Communiqué was also adopted. 

In a solemn atmosphere, the King of Bahrain presented the highest decoration of the Kingdom of Bahrain – the Order of Sheikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa of the first degree – to the head of Turkmenistan. It was emphasized that Serdar Berdimuhamedov was awarded that decoration for his great personal contribution to the strengthening and development of friendship and cooperation between the two countries and the creative policy pursued, which contributes to maintaining peace, stability and security on both regional and international scales. 

Noting that an important step towards the development of Turkmen-Bahraini cooperation had been the visit of King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa to our country in 2019, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov stressed that the bilateral partnership had a solid potential, including the trade and economic sphere and through the private sector. 

In this regard, the Head of Turkmenistan proposed to establish a joint Business Council and to hold exhibitions of entrepreneurs of the two countries, which would help intensify mutually beneficial contacts between the business structures of Turkmenistan and Bahrain and would expand investment activities. 

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