Development of three fields on the right bank of the Amu Darya began

18:33 22.09.2020 6403

The China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has launched the second phase of the project for the commissioning of gas fields in the eastern section of the Bagtyyarlyk contract area. Within its framework, on the right bank of the Amu Darya, the construction of the production infrastructure of three fields - West Joramergen, Gokmiyar and Dashrabat - has begun.

According to China Petroleum News, the project is being implemented by CNPC International's branch in Turkmenistan and Sichuan Petroleum Construction. The contract signed in May this year officially entered into force in mid-June. Currently, work is underway to build a gas collection station at the West Joramergen field. Also, more than 17 km of pipelines with a diameter of 250 mm (DN250) were welded for collecting and transporting gas. Other technological and engineering facilities are under construction.

It is noteworthy that all operations related to the development of projects and their clarification, the purchase of equipment and materials, the conclusion of contracts with subcontractors, are carried out online, using various types of communication.

A 45-day training course was organized for 40 local welders to work at the new sites. And now more than 280 Chinese and Turkmen specialists work on construction sites.

The first phase of the project to put into operation the eastern fields of the Bagtyyarlyk contract territory, where large deposits of natural gas were previously discovered, was completed last autumn. As part of the project, surface facilities were built at the Khojagurlyk, East Khojagurlyk and Joramergen fields, including 12 wells, a pretreatment unit for natural gas, gas gathering stations, etc. It is expected that their production capacity will be 1.7 billion cubic meters per year.

Photo from CNPC website

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