Serdar Berdimuhamedov invited business circles of Qatar to participate in major projects in Turkmenistan

16:47 23.03.2023 2234

 President Serdar Berdimuhamedov called on Qatari companies to take part in large investment projects in Turkmenistan in the field of energy, transport, agriculture and other areas.  The head of Turkmenistan stated this at a meeting with the heads of leading companies and investment organizations of Qatar, held in Doha as part of a state visit to this country.

 “Today, there are all conditions for bringing Turkmen-Qatari contacts to a level corresponding to the huge economic potential of our countries,” Serdar Berdimuhamedov said, havingg emphasized that Turkmenistan considered Qatar and its business circles as reliable partners.

 The head of Turkmenistan proposed to discuss in detail the possibilities of developing investment activities in such areas as energy, agriculture, textile industry, scientific and innovative industries, urban planning, and the use of renewable energy sources.

 The President emphasized the need to consider opportunities for increasing oil and gas production in the Caspian Sea, creating high-tech industries in the petrochemical and gas chemical industries of Turkmenistan, and joint participation in international energy projects.

 “Our country believes that favorable prospects are opening up for the participation of the Qatar Businessmen Association in the implementation of projects on international pipelines, one of which is the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline,” the head of our state said.

 - In recent years, large-scale construction of new automobile, air, railway transport centers and corridors has been carried out in our country, - the President emphasized, expressing in this regard his readiness to attract Qatari partners to implement projects in the transport and infrastructure sector.

 At the same time, Serdar Berdimuhamedov recalled that the Turkmenbashi International Sea Port, built on the Caspian coast, equipped with advanced technical facilities, is one of the major transport centers of international importance in such directions as East-West and North-South, and is designed to establish communications with the markets of the region  Near and Middle East, India.

 “I believe that we have come to the point where really large-scale joint developments are needed,” the head of Turkmenistan said, emphasizing that the proposed projects can become a driving force for economic cooperation and open up new opportunities for attracting investments, creating mixed industries, and forming a modern system of services.

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