The President of Turkmenistan – on the possibilities of increasing the volume of interstate trade with Qatar

16:49 23.03.2023 1830

 President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with business circles of Qatar emphasized the need to consider the existing opportunities to increase the volume of interstate trade.  The head of Turkmenistan stated this at a meeting with the heads of leading companies and investment organizations of Qatar, held in Doha last Monday as part of a state visit to this country.

 Having noted that the potential for building up cooperation has not yet been fully utilized in the trade and economic sphere, Serdar Berdimuhamedov in this regard proposed the creation of a joint Council of Businessmen with Qatar.

 - The Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, which currently operates in many leading sectors of the economy, is ready to establish direct contacts with the Association of Businessmen of Qatar, thus strengthening the business platform, the President said.

 The head of Turkmenistan also expressed his desire to study the successful experience of the formation and functioning of the financial system, financial and credit organizations, insurance companies and stock exchanges of Qatar.  Along with this, the expediency of holding exhibitions of commodity producers and companies specializing in the service sector, joint business forums was noted.

 “We are open to any effective proposals,” the head of Turkmenistan said, emphasizing that today's meeting is an important step towards establishing strong and long-term trade, economic and investment relations between the business structures of the two states.

 During the meeting, concrete proposals were made aimed at building up contacts in the fuel and energy complex, in the export of oil and gas equipment, in the trade and economic sphere, in the field of industry, in agriculture, the food industry, construction, and tourism.

 In this context, representatives of leading Qatari companies expressed their intention to visit Turkmenistan to get acquainted with the conditions created for doing business.

 To develop contacts in the transport and logistics sector, a proposal was made to open a specialized center in Ashgabat for one of the largest companies in Qatar working in this field.

 Plans for joint work in banking and the development of the real estate market were also specified.  Separate proposals concerned the creation of free economic zones, where Qatar can share its accumulated positive experience.

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