Celebrations on the occasion of Novruz holiday were held in Turkmenistan

16:50 23.03.2023 2846


 In Turkmenistan, on March 21-22, the National Spring Holiday - International Novruz Day was celebrated on a grand scale.

 In the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the people of the country on the occasion of the holiday, its consolidating significance is emphasized: “Novruz is associated with the renewal of life, humanism, unity, being such for the whole world.  The traditions associated with it are designed to strengthen relations between members of the international community based on the principles of peace, friendship, fraternity and goodwill”.

 The main celebrations unfolded at the traditional site "Novruz ýaýlasy" in the Ak Bugday etrap of the Akhal region.  There, on the occasion of the holiday, a large Turkmen village was built with yurts, farmsteads with domestic animals, smoking cauldrons, as well as an oriental bazaar with its bright trade tents, lively barkers, creative teams and artists.

 At the place of celebration, a high swing entwined with flower garlands is installed - an indispensable attribute of Novruz.  To make a kind of flight on them is considered a spiritually cleansing ritual, allowing you to start the next year with new strength, a pure heart and bright thoughts.

 Members of the Government, heads and representatives of the Mejlis, various ministries and departments, public organizations, diplomatic missions accredited in Turkmenistan and international organizations, and the media took part in the celebrations.  Turkmen people came here from all corners of our Motherland.

Among the foreign guests were delegates of the International Conference “Main directions and potential of tourism development in Turkmenistan” that opened in the capital.  Also, the guests of the holiday were international observers who came to Turkmenistan to monitor the upcoming elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the regions, city and etrap halk maslahaty and gengeshes.

 In the exhibition part of the town, an agricultural exposition was deployed, representing the rich Turkmen traditions of agriculture and various products of domestic producers.

 A gift for the audience was the bright performance of the group of national equestrian games "Galkynysh" - the winner of many international festivals.  Turkmen dzhigits on magnificent horses demonstrated their skills, as well as the beauty of the "heavenly" horses to the music.

 Spectacular bouts of palvan wrestlers, as well as a demonstration of dexterity on a tightrope, took place to the approving exclamations of the fans.

 «Novruz ýaýlasy» also hosted a culinary vernissage with national dishes prepared by the best culinary arts masters who offered them to guests.  Here one could see the preparation of a ritual dish - a seed.

 The masters of arts of our country presented their gifts to the participants of the festival.  The concert program included folk songs and compositions by contemporary authors dedicated to spring and Novruz.

 Celebrations dedicated to the holiday of spring were also held throughout Turkmenistan.

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