Gas rules in Turkmenistan brought in line with the requirements of the time

19:38 23.09.2020 5785

Turkmenistan has developed "Rules for supplying gas to the population of Turkmenistan" and "Rules for the use of gas by enterprises and organizations in Turkmenistan" in order to bring them in line with the requirements of the time. Vice Prime Minister Myratgeldi Meredov said this at a government meeting last Friday, reporting on the measures taken for the practical implementation of the "Program for the development of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan for the period until 2030".

The rules define the provisions on payment (in cash and non-cash), accounting for the volumes of gas supplied, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties. Measures are also envisaged to ensure the safe operation of gas supply system facilities, to prevent the independent laying of gas pipelines, and the use of gas equipment that does not meet technical standards.

After hearing the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stressed that one of the key aspects of the economic strategy of Turkmenistan is the efficient and rational use of the country's richest hydrocarbon resources.

As the head of state noted, it is necessary to systematically increase the production of "blue fuel", keep under constant control the issues of gasification of housing and communal services, industrial enterprises, and instructed to widely introduce modern energy-saving technologies and metering systems for natural gas consumption into the production and social spheres.

The gas industry plays a significant role in creating conditions for the progressive development of the industrial sector, ensuring the country's socio-economic growth and further improving the living conditions of the population, the President said.

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