A meeting was held between representatives of oil and gas companies and industry universities

21:17 28.03.2023 1723


 The discussion of the development of cooperation in the field of training qualified specialists for the oil and gas industry of our country took place during a working meeting held between representatives of the oil and gas industry of Turkmenistan and specialized international companies and foreign higher educational institutions.

 The meeting, organized at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Yagshygeldi Kakaev, was attended by representatives of the State Concerns «Turkmengas» and «Turkmennebit», employees of the branch of the National China Oil and Gas Corporation in Turkmenistan, as well as the companies «Petronas Charigali Sdn Bhd (Turkmenistan)» and Dragon  Oil Turkmenistan Ltd.

 The rectors of the Turin Polytechnic University (Italy), the Mining University of Leoben (Austria), the Inha University in Korea, the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Germany), the Ploiesti Oil and Gas University (Romania), the Islam State Technical University of Tashkent  Karimov, Russian State University of Oil and Gas National Research University named after I.M. Gubkin, Belarusian State Technological University, and Polotsk State University named after Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

 As participants of the event noted, the cooperation of oil and gas universities with specialized companies is of great importance, as it allows students to gain practical skills and work experience in a real environment, as well as learn about the latest technologies and innovations in the industry.  In turn, industry companies get the opportunity to get acquainted with promising specialists who are in demand directly at the production site.

 During the meeting, its participants discussed the progress achieved under previously signed agreements, and also outlined further steps to develop mutually beneficial cooperation.

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