The key condition for the reconstruction of Afghanistan is the implementation of large infrastructure projects, - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

19:53 24.09.2020 4374

Peace, security and development in Central Asia directly depend on the settlement of the situation in Afghanistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said in his video address to the participants of the 75th session of the UN General Assembly.

“The position of Turkmenistan here is principled and unchanged: there is no alternative to the negotiation process, - the President emphasized. - All previous experience has shown that forceful methods have no prospects and are not able to lead to agreement and reconciliation”.

“As a neutral state and a direct neighbor of Afghanistan, our country is ready to provide on its territory the necessary political and organizational conditions for establishing a peaceful dialogue between the Afghan government and all parties interested in a political settlement of the situation in Afghanistan,” the Turkmen leader said.

As Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized, a key condition for political stabilization, economic and social recovery of Afghanistan, its successful integration into world economic processes is the implementation of large infrastructure projects with Afghan participation, primarily in such vital areas as energy, transport and communications.

- Consistently working in this direction, our country has initiated the construction of a gas pipeline along the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India route, as well as railway branches, fiber-optic communication lines with access to the territory of Afghanistan, which have already entered the stage of practical implementation, the head of state said. calling on the international community, business structures, financial institutions to be more actively involved in this work.

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