Turkmen oilworkers ensured growth in hydrocarbon production in eight months

19:57 24.09.2020 5374


The State Concern "Turkmennebit" is carrying out a number of measures to increase the productivity of the exploitation of oil and gas fields, the search and exploration of new promising hydrocarbon fields, their development and increase the volume of extracted raw materials.

For eight months of this year, the production of "black gold" in the concern amounted to about 2 million 617 thousand tons, compared to the same period last year, the increase is 106.2%. The volume of natural gas production increased by 415 million cubic meters compared to the corresponding period last year.

These results were achieved due to the experience and competence of scientists, geologists, production engineers and other employees of the enterprise. During the reporting period, the oilmen of the Galkynyshnebit, Keimir, Gumdagnebit departments of the SC “Turkmennebit” successfully coped with the task, using modern equipment and technology in production, intensively increasing the production of hydrocarbons.

The drillers of the Nebitdag, Korpeje, Ekerem and other departments also achieved great labor success. During the reporting period, the excavation of rocks amounted to 146,527 meters, compared to the same period last year, this figure tripled.

Employees of the Nebitgazchykarysh trust also demonstrated excellent production performance, having carried out overhaul of a large number of wells, of which 347 were re-commissioned. Thanks to the improved efficiency of the restored wells, 138 thousand tons of additional oil were produced instead of the planned 134.2 tons.

The use of advanced technologies and the introduction of innovative equipment allowed the oilmen of Turkmenistan to reach a qualitatively new level of activity.

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