More than 300 delegates will take part in the International Investment Forum OGT-2023 in Dubai

23:34 24.04.2023 6044

 A few days remain before the opening of the International Forum on Attracting Foreign Investments in the Energy Sector of Turkmenistan, which will begin its work on April 26 in Dubai (UAE).  The organizers of the upcoming forum are the State Concerns “Turkmengas” and “Turkmennebit”, the State Corporation “Turkmengeology” in partnership with the Turkmen Forum and the British GaffneyCline.

 According to the organizers of the event, more than 300 delegates have registered to participate in the forum, including representatives of government agencies, large companies, academic and business circles, the expert community, and the media.

 The Investment Forum will be attended by members of the government of Turkmenistan and the UAE, over two hundred representatives of foreign companies and international organizations, diplomatic missions and ministries, banks and various funds.

 The forum began work on the morning of April 26 from the plenary session. Among the speakers are the leaders of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan and key figures in the international oil and gas market, who will present a strategic vision for the development of this sector in the context of the global energy transition.

 The high interest in the forum and its authority is evidenced by the participation in its work of such high-ranking officials and responsible leaders as the Minister of State of the UAE, a member of the Board of Directors of ADNOC and the Abu Dhabi Development Fund Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, the head of the UN International Methane Observatory Manfredi Caltagirone and  others

 The Turkmen side will be represented by Vice-Chairman Ashyrguly Begliev, heads and specialists of departments of the oil and gas, banking and other sectors of the Turkmen economy, as well as heads of more than two dozen companies.

 Also, the investment forum will be attended by about a dozen presidents and more than twenty vice presidents of large companies (PETRONAS, Dragon Oil, Siemens Energy, Total Energies, CNPC, Yug-Neftegaz Private Limited, etc.), heads and representatives of financial institutions, environmental organizations, as well as  such authoritative international organizations as the UN, OSCE, which will join the conference online.

Key reports will be read at the plenary session, a wide range of issues put at the forefront of the investment forum will be considered during five sessions.  This is the role of Turkmenistan in the future of global energy;  investment opportunities in the Turkmen energy sector: onshore and offshore projects;  environmental aspects of the development of hydrocarbon deposits;  New Era Energy: Prospects for Internal and Regional Development;  acceleration of monetization and diversification of new energy resources of Turkmenistan.

 The work of the investment forum in Dubai will be covered by such media giants as Bloomberg news, S&P, Argus, Energy Intelligence, National Gas World, Interfax, Media Hub, TRT Turk and other publications.

 Also, within the framework of the forum, a number of business meetings will be held between top managers of large foreign companies and leaders of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, at which prospects for cooperation and attraction of investments in projects aimed at further development of the oil and gas sector of our country will be discussed.

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